I awoke one day and saw that i was aching to get out of a dark place. I tried to get out but it was to no avail. But, out of no where my house started to push its walls onto me. It was not a feeling i ever want to feel again. Then, out of no where, there was a light. It was bright, so bright as to have stunned me to the point of speechlessness. As if things weren't bad enough, I got hit with something. Hard. Talk about forcing the wind/sound out of you.
It only got worse from there. They kept me in the wretched hell-hole of a place until my birth-givers (later to be called mom and dad) were able to bring me to their so-called-home. Their, place of humanity and enjoyment. It was anything but the feelings of humanity and enjoyment. They were touching me, in places that i did not enjoy. They fed me food that did not taste all that great. They even made me wear things that just weren't attractive to my eyes. That's about all i can remember from that period of my life.
The next things that come to my mind are of me going to school as a young boy. Life was simple. All i had to do was eat and learn basic function skills. But, as time wore on, so did the requirements for me. As i grew i became more agile, more capable, and more aggressive. I would later discover that in order to make it in this life, I would have to undoubtedly learn to go for things on my own. I would take flight into what would become the rest of my life. I leave the story as it is. There is more I have yet to add...
Unknown "*Patriot*" Bold
- 16 years, 7 months, 4 days ago