Wiccan Stories- Volume I
Long, long ago,
the world slept in the arms of a dark void. From this place of nothingness, Spirit drew
together and created Our Lady of Infinite Love. She danced among the heavens Her feet
beating out the rhythm of all creation. Sparks of light flew from her hair, giving birth to
the stars and planets. As She twirled, these heavenly bodies moved with Her in the divine
symphony of the Universe. When Her dancing quickened, She formed the seas and
mountains. She chanted words of love and joy, as these sounds fell to Earth the flowers
and trees were born. From the pure, white light of Her breath came the colours of the
universe, turning all things to vibrant beauty. From Her bubbling laughter came the
sounds of the pristine running water of the streams, the gentle lapping waters of the lakes,
and the roaring screams of the oceans. Her tears of joy became rains of survival.
(to be continued)
Unknown "cow..lol" Serene
- 16 years, 8 months, 8 days ago