
Name: |
Sarah Wuni, 49/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 7:49 PM |
Join date: | 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago |
Location: | Santa Fe, New Mexico United States
About me:
Right now my life is in a transitional phase. Although I love to travel and am kind of a loner and wanderer I am happy, healthy, and have wonderful friends everywhere.
About you:
Looking for friendship and I mean real friends. I love the people whom I hold dear to my heart but there is always room for more friends and enough love to go around. Beware I don't love everybody and only make an effort to communicate with people that intrique me. No drama please, I create enough drama and chaos all by myself. I can be stormy but my close friends just put up with it. Get away from me......where the hell are you going is sadly textbook Sarah.
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Bi
| Herds: | Clan of the Tiger, Careful...... We Bite | |
Sarah's tales
Finally my mother and I came to an agreement that our cat Jack is not mentally retarded but simply autistic. We love him so much anyway despite his eccentricities. If I could get him a little smoking jacket and some slippers to wander about in I would. But he would probably trip on the little jacket.
Sarah Wuni "stormy" Adored
- 16 years, 3 months, 20 days ago
So I am in Santa Fe for a week. When asked on the plane what I do for a living basically just said that I fly back and forth from Santa Fe to New York bc it is the truth. I am trying to find myself. Maybe I should just use the freelance word more often.
Sarah Wuni "stormy" Adored
- 16 years, 4 months, 2 days ago
I miss my dog! Blue is happy though running around on a ranch in NM with horses. So I am happy that he is smiling.
Sarah Wuni "stormy" Adored
- 16 years, 4 months, 10 days ago
I have such a bad cold it would take a drill sargeant to get me up and at em. He would definately have to have a gun I might add. Maybe that would at least get me into the shower and off of HP!! Walking to the kitchen feels like running hurdles. Chicken soup please?
Sarah Wuni "stormy" Adored
- 16 years, 5 months, 12 days ago
What really happened to me: I lost my job, my best friend/roommate threw me out of the house bc I broke a "rule", I sold my audi so I have no car and NM won't give me a license until I clear up my NY license which takes money money money. That's what happened all in 1.5 weeks. So I am basically homeless, busted and unemployed. Rain Rain Go Away
Sarah Wuni "stormy" Adored
- 16 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
For reaching out physically to people you can't "touch".
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