The tale of two kittens, a wolf(me), and a sloth. We decided to go to a haunted school at the witching hour actually ten minutes before. Everything was calm and quiet until one person told a ghost story. See this school was for kids in middle school. We were sitting on the girls entrance side. We know there is a little girl ghost in our pictures. I think my friend's story scared her and she became violent. We went to leave and glass started crunching, like footsteps, on the floor bellow us. There was loud bumping the floor above us. We had to decided quickly how to leave. We ran up and kept running til we got to the other side all the while being hit in the head by bats. We then ran down the otherside's stairs with knives drawn and ran out the side door only to hear bumping in a room next to us that isn't really attached to the rest of the school. We all made it out safely, but are still a little shankin up. Then my elevator in my building started shakin when i came back to campus, this may have scared me more than a ghost.
Unknown "Caterpiller" Trusting
- 17 years, 25 days ago