Why are we so afraid to commit ourselves to loving each other? I don't know... I myself don't want to risk... probably because I don't want to get hurt, to feel the pain...but who doesn't?
They say the most vital human behaviors are about love, tenderness, compassion, caring sharing and relating. Without these qualities life is empty though we may have the best of health, the most comfortable homes, the most impressive of bank balances. Even knowing this, we spend so little time developing these behaviors. In fact, we are living in a society in which such words as love and commitment have been relegated to sentimental, old-fashioned nonsense.
If you love, you are considered naive. If happy, you are considered frivolous and simple. If generous and altruistic, you are considered suspect. If forgiving, you are considered weak. If trusting, you are considered a fool. If you try to be all of these things, people are sure you are phony.
Like everyone I know, my life, too, has been a long series of interwoven relationships, both good and bad. I value them all. For it was mainly through these relationships that I survived my infancy, completed my childhood, ended my adolescence and moved toward a dynamic state of growing to maturity. They have been living lessons in meeting defeat, letting go and overcoming fear. They have helped to free my spirit and irradicate my fear of loving. My relationships are still my major source of stimulation, causing me to remain open, curious, eager to learn and challenged by change. Now I understand more than ever the poet W.H. Auden's remark, " We must love one another or die!"
Isn't it time that we forget our petty egos, give up our fear of appearing sentimental or naive and come together in our universal need, one for the other? Why is it so difficult for us to embrace each other fearlessly and with passion and to say, " Human being, take my human hand "?
- 16 years, 8 months, 14 days ago