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Ivana Zmrzlikar | - Free online hangout and friends
Craig Tock
Craig Tock owns this human at 1000000 points.

Ivana Zmrzlikar
Ivana Zmrzlikar
"Craigs Princess"

Ivana's tales
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Ivana Zmrzlikar
1st part: A gift from my bestie!
I wish you all to have a friend like I do!

Love my brother HUGE!!!!!!

2nd part :

You all know by now how Ron and I are close...we are more like a family than we are friends!Yesterday ...on July,1st I moved into my new apt...and he made a big surprise for me!Gonna show you the pics he has made to wish me a happy move :)Awww and Remy is on them too :))) Love you Remy!
Thanks Ron!!You are my best brother by heart!You are my GODFRIEND!!!
To everlasting friendship! CHEERS BRO! <3
Ivana Zmrzlikar Ivana Zmrzlikar Ivana Zmrzlikar Ivana Zmrzlikar Ivana Zmrzlikar Ivana Zmrzlikar Ivana Zmrzlikar Ivana Zmrzlikar
Ivana Zmrzlikar "Craigs Princess" Inspired - 15 years, 9 months, 12 days ago
Ivana Zmrzlikar

Silly today.April,8th.Spring.Sun.Smells.Mmmms.Awesome me! LOL
I was happy all day long...and was feeling so silly great!
Had to study .And I did.....then my friends called me and we spent afternoon by the river catching the silly beautiful spring :)
I dunno why I am telling you all these silly things! However,you will thumb me! :))
Also I took some silly photos with my silly phone.
Okay...that's all folks!
Still silly me - silly tale - and forever silly I will stay! SILLY POWER! :)))))
Ivana Zmrzlikar Ivana Zmrzlikar Ivana Zmrzlikar Ivana Zmrzlikar Ivana Zmrzlikar Ivana Zmrzlikar Ivana Zmrzlikar Ivana Zmrzlikar
Ivana Zmrzlikar "Craigs Princess" Inspired - 15 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
Ivana Zmrzlikar


Good morning Sunshine .

This sunny day will start with your name.ELLEN.My bright and light friend...reader of my soul.Can you read all what is written there? I know you have a special powers...I call them El-Rays :)

Northern Magic.Indeed.You entered into my life with such a magical steps.Welcome!Please,make yourself comfortable ,bacause you will stay there for too long.
At this moment...imagine,I am hugging you until you get all blue.And you know how much I love blue colour.The sky is blue,the seas...oceans...your eyes are blue.Neverending things are blue...just as our friendship is.

EL & IV. You named us like that.Will you let me to play with it darling?Yes,you will...our spirits loves to play.If I mix these letters,what do I get...EVIL.No! It doesn't suit us.Now let me play more...What about...LIVE? PERFECT! I don't want to play anymore.I will stop right there :)

You are an artist.So you know...masterpieces are invaluable.Aren't we an masterpiece?A Masterpiece Of A Friendship.

These words can not tell how much you are loved by me.Yet ,I will use them until that day when I won't need them anymore...until a day when I will stand right next to you...while we are sharing that magnificent Northern Lights,embraced with the Aurora Borealis.

This isn't just another tale.
This isn't the end of a tale.The curtain will never come down.
It's just the begining.
Somehow,I have to finish it,but how to finish something like this?
Maybe with one present for you.How about to give you my heart?All of it...not just a piece...because my heart is not the puzzle.

I LOVE YOU my Queen Of Hearts...from the moment I met you,now and forever.
As I said...just like a snail...I am leaving trails...trails of an eternal love...Let's follow them!

Yours ,SunnyWood Ivana.
Ivana Zmrzlikar
Ivana Zmrzlikar "Craigs Princess" Inspired - 16 years, 2 days ago
Ivana Zmrzlikar
I'm safe
Up high
Nothing can touch me
But why do I feel this party's over?
No pain
You're like perfection
But how do I feel this good sober?

Ivana Zmrzlikar "Craigs Princess" Inspired - 16 years, 13 days ago
Ivana Zmrzlikar

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Ivana Zmrzlikar "Craigs Princess" Inspired - 16 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
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A little Kiss for youღ You have been given A little Kiss for youღ.
Crafted by Adaniina
Mero " *Mr introvert*" - 9 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
grace andrew

by grace
Dearest one, My name is grace, I am very happy to view your profile here today,as I'm interested in knowing you.reply me through my private email address at ( ) so that i can write you and send you my picture. Yours truly grace
grace andrew "miss gracie" - 10 years, 12 months ago
Louis Cyphre
Srecan rodjendanko! Sve najbolje!
You have been snuggled with a teddy bear.
Louis Cyphre "Amon Göth" Dead to the World - 12 years, 19 days ago
raf jankowski

*oh you lil baby* You have been given *oh you lil baby*.
Crafted by Jenny
raf jankowski "MIO1" Dazed - 13 years, 2 months, 11 days ago
Merry Orthodox Christmas Ivana
Romeo "Romeo My Dear" - 13 years, 2 months, 24 days ago
raf jankowski

you'll be mine yet You have been given you'll be mine yet.
Crafted by raf jankowski
raf jankowski "MIO1" Dazed - 13 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
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Ivana's shop

what to say!?


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