Revenge is sweet. A certain somebody is going to get it for getting me into trouble at work. Dave you are a bitch and all women need to treat you like one. April
- 13 years, 4 days ago
Don't HP at work, at least not where the bss can see. April
- 13 years, 5 days ago
Sigh, the webpage could not be detected. The gateway could not detect internet. Why does att suck? April
- 13 years, 6 days ago
Ta ta folks off to a party for me April
- 13 years, 9 days ago
Time for me to log off and head to work April
- 13 years, 15 days ago
YOU have brought shame too my nation bulling a sub in the first place so dont go shooting ur mouth off about stuff you clearly know nothing about The term Mistress is earned not demanded. ============================================= This is how a true submissive should be towards his Mistress. 1. Serve 2.Trust 3. Honor 4. Obey 5. Pleasure 6. Control meaning (Submitted to Her ) 7. 100% Devotion 8. Kneel at Her feet 9. Always address her as with respect such as Mistress, Madame Mam etc first letter always caps,
READ UR FRIEND DAVES TALE U TELL ME IS THAT THE FUCKN TRUTH ? U ROPED ME INTO UR BULLSHIT BECAUSE OF THAT ?????? IF IT IS THE TRUTH MAYBE BEST FOR U TO BLOCK ME I dont like being feed bullshit just to suit someones agenda at the time this one will come and bite u on the ass
DeAdLy TaSh
- 13 years, 3 days ago