hello there my owner :) so yea it took me 40 days to reply sorry bout that! i dont have internet access where i live rite now so im not online too much but hopefully that will change soon
"Kissy Boy"Sexy
- 16 years, 7 months, 8 days ago
haha yeah I know what you mean. thats what I always say about NYC. Im just like...uhhhhhhh i dunno. I'll figure it out, though :)
"Sinulator *NFS*"Loyal
- 16 years, 8 months, 12 days ago
well that sounds like a start I think :) I started school for engineering and realized I enjoyed business much more, so who knows?
i have NO idea where in orlando I'll be for training yet...really no clue at all. probably a very large hotel since deloitte rents out basically the whole thing for all of us hah
"Sinulator *NFS*"Loyal
- 16 years, 8 months, 13 days ago
Best way to eliminate this fear to to stand on a cliff or fly in some way. just sayin :P
my new job is workin for Deloitte doing business consulting. I start at the end of july. its gonna be fuckin epic. traveling all ove rthe US every week, working with fortune 500 companies all the time...telling them how to do their business better haha. I win. mostly its fun because its different all the itme. new companies = new business model I have to learn constantly. should be a blast...and very fucking hard.
p.s. your pictures are great. what are you up to? school? college? job?
"Sinulator *NFS*"Loyal
- 16 years, 8 months, 14 days ago