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"Carmen Ghia"

Unknown, 37/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:12:57 PM
Join date:17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
Location: C-burg United States

"It's my Jess in a box!"
About me:
I like to be girly, dress up, and wear make-up but then go out and watch action movies and play video games. I love teen girl squad. 90% of my speech consists of homestarrunner quotes or parts of brian regan comedy routines. I like to walk hand in hand in the rain and then stop and dance to the rhythm of the droplets hitting the ground. I fall too fast. I am young AND occasionally naive. I am loud. I drive too fast. I sing with my radio blaring and the windows down. I like to dance around my room in my pj's to corny music, singing into a hairbrush. I like the spotlight. I love attention. I want to be loved unconditionally. I sometimes eat pizza for breakfast. I am not a size 0. I love indiana jones and star wars. I sometimes wish I was born in the 50's. I am obsessed with pirates. I am a dancer. I am an actress. I am majoring in something I love to do, regardless of salary or job scarcity. I wear dresses and skirts even if I am just staying at home. I am an alto. I like being a brunette. I get good grades. I talk on the phone a lot. I talk a lot in general... Sometimes I don't make sense. I don't always finish my sentences or stories. I want to be a Bond girl.
Don't like it? Too bad
About you:
I like lovers, fighters, and anyone in between
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Sex Kittens, 300, BOOTYLICIOUS!, Love to Dance!, We heart cupcakes, The Frog's Rainforest, Have You

"hubert "
2000 pts

"crawling buddy"
250 pts
"Roger Dubris"
250 pts
"my assailant"
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"bearded pet"
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"jen-na-na- na"
75 pts
Unknown's tales
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A couple observations...

Why can't we trust our hearts anymore? Why must we always try to analyze and criticize every situation? There are a couple things I want to put out there:

#1- Some things can't be explained. Don't try to tell someone why they feel the way they do or that what they feel is wrong because it isnt logical. The best things in life are those that can't be put into an equation and solved

#2- Nobody is ever too young to fall in love. It just so happens that most who are young were never shown true love so don't know what it really is

#3- The little things are the ones that are most important. The way snow feels on your cheeks when it melts, that one day your hair did something right, a glance from someone across the room, pillow fights, a walk in the moonlight, the smell of a rose, the sound of a heart beating, an accidental brush from someone's hand, a child's questions.

#4- Being a not overrated. hold a door. hold out your arm to walk her into a room. give her your coat. it never will go out of style

#5- Girls will always hate girls for being...well....girls

Unknown "Carmen Ghia" Seductive - 17 years, 19 days ago
Since when...

Since when....

Did it become radical to have morals?

Did it become cool to desecrate the sacred bond of marriage?

Did it become different to express yourself?

Did it become daring to dress with modesty?

Did it become scary to talk about God?

Did how many people you've hurt become status?

Did being friends with as many people possible become detrimental?

Did a guy opening doors become old fashioned?

Did physical intimacy with another become a right of passage?

Did friendships become trophies?

Did different become dangerous?

Since when?

Unknown "Carmen Ghia" Seductive - 17 years, 19 days ago
What my name apparantly means...

--How well does your name describe you?---

J: freaking rowdy
E: freaking beautiful
S(repeated): gets blamed for everything
I: loves to laugh
C: easy to fall in love with
A: loves to flirt

A: LOVES to flirt
B: Loves people
C: Easy to fall in love with
D: Has one of the best personalities ever
E: Freaking beautiful
F: People wild and crazy adore you.
G: Never let people tell you what to do.
H: Easy to fall in love with
J: Freaking Rowdy
K: Really silly.
L: REALLY easy to fall in love with
M: Makes dating fun
N: One of the best bf/gf anyone could ask for
O: Loved by everyone
P: Popular with all types of people.
Q: A hypocrite.
R: Good gf/bf
S: gets blamed for everything
T: GREAT kisser
U: Gets hugs
V: Not judgmental
W: Very broad minded.
X: Never let people tell you what to do.
Y: Is a freak in bed.
Z: Lives life for fun

Unknown "Carmen Ghia" Seductive - 17 years, 19 days ago
A poem of sorts

I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind.

I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme.

I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie.

I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry.

I hate it that you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call.

But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you.

Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

Unknown "Carmen Ghia" Seductive - 17 years, 19 days ago
"How do I tell you I love you? I'm always thinking of you. Cause I can't find the right words to say"

How do you know when something is truly undefinable? When something is so amazing that words would not do it justice and therefore should be kept inside and another mode of expression used. Few times do people take seriously the act of saying "I love you" or "You are my best friend." Today love is used to describe a feeling which is commonly known as happiness. No longer does it retain its intended context of a bond between two people making them feel as one. A selfless commitment that grows and is nurtured with time. It is a feel good phrase.

What is someone suppossed to do when they want to explain how much they love someone then? If I tell you all that I am in love, you will all say "well thats so's cute" but you dont know what I mean. From that phrase you dont understand that my heart stops beating for a second when he walks in the room. you dont know that I work every day harder than the last to be a better person for him. You dont know that I am willing to sacrifice my wants for a piece of his heart. You cant feel the surge that goes through my body when he holds my hand. You cant fathom the feeling of completeness that rushes in my veins each day, just from knowing that we are together. You think we have a title. You know we are boyfriend and girlfriend. That is all you know. Because "I love you" has become "I like you and how you make me feel" not "I like who I become when I am with you." So many people write about this and I know it gets cliche. But how many times are we going to say those three words without recognizing the power they once had. That power is gone. We are void of something to tell another that they mean the world to us.

That doesnt mean it is over. A touch. A smile. A kiss. A glance. All of those things can convey what those three words used to. A sense of being one. Two people sharing one life with one heart. I hope that someday we can bring back something sacred. Something that two people who are truly in love can share together as a way to express all those feelings running through their bodies. But for now, we will show all love's forms. After all, love is least for now.

Unknown "Carmen Ghia" Seductive - 17 years, 19 days ago
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