lately I fill my days with hanging aruond on ebay, facebook, msn, and not with -as I should- working on my MA-thesis. I find it strange how I succeed again and again in deluding myself that another half hour of relaxing or chatting won't hurt and then .... WHAM!!! four days have past. In dutch we've invented a perfect term for this: it's called Studie Ontwijkend Gedrag, S.O.G. in short. It would be Study Evasive Behavior in english I suppose... S.E.B.
The funny thing is it sounds like a disease when you use the abbreviation. The worst thing of this disease is that it is self-inflicted though... And I do not see any ope of recovery in the near future
any more sufferers?
Unknown "Miss Esther"
- 16 years, 8 months, 8 days ago