A poem i wrote for English class this year, senior year!!! :D
Don’t Watch it Fade Away
There is power in few simple words.
Your conscience is truly simple,
Yet there is no way to explain it.
You just are.
You believe yourself to realize something
But on second thought,
It may have not existed.
A need to know what to realize
Comes into mind
That you should escape,
A lunge at freedom.
To be human means to realize.
In a crowded, stuffy, city
Blinded by illuminating lights
This way and that.
Crazy, busy, caught up
Hardly any time to reflect.
It’s not enough
You’re moving on.
So wake up, get out
Of these illusionary images.
Aren’t you tired of waiting,
Sitting around,
Letting people hold your hand?
Lost, are you
Or confused which direction to go?
Then look ahead.
Make it your own,
And breathe your own air.
The train is waiting
For anyone desiring freedom.
Pursue true dreams.
On a train leading away
From the suffocating city
Into the unknown,
Perhaps to see a loved one,
Someone special.
You’ll have to give a little to take.
It’s all about the choices
That you make.
If you think you’re right
And don’t make it wait.
Unknown "나의 감미로" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 2 months, 19 days ago