its sucks having two jobs...really it does....i have no time for fun... Nikki "Pikki Nikki"Surprised
- 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
Ok so my brother bought a hookah and said no one was aloud to smoke "illegal substances" out of it!! I was like no way man...When he left for the Navy I stole it and smoked a shit load of weed out of it!! we had some sick parties with it there...we had a kegger one night and pieces went missing, some douchebag tried to steal the keg, the hottube got "defiled" so to speak *cough*tony*cough* so much drama went down, the house was trashed, everyone was drunk stoned and passed the fuck out...i wish we had a video of that shit it was so much fun....i love when my former housemates throw parties for no reason at all besides to blow 400 bills in one night...omg so worth it
Nikki "Pikki Nikki"Surprised
- 17 years, 11 days ago
G'day Luv, sounds like you like to party... Dam If I were in the USA I would BEG to be invited to one Seems I might have to just sttle for a tale everynow and then....