The Harry Potter series is definitely the best in the world. I don’t care if someone disagrees, because it’s my opinion on what is the best book in the world is. I love the mystery and supernatural sense in this series, which is very well written by J.K. Rowling.
This series is the only one so far, that I’ve seen millions of people wait out in the cold to buy. People of all ages adore the series and it’s probably the only thing they read or want to read. I don’t like reading other books, but I’m not a die-hard Harry Potter fan either. I have read all the books except for the last one, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”.
It seems like I don’t have much time to read books I am actually interested in. All I do now is work, work, work, or study, study, study. I wanted to read “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, before I moved in, but my sister was reading the book, so I said I would take it with me to college. That obviously didn’t happen, because my sister still wasn’t done reading it. I told her that, I would read it when I go home for Thanksgiving. I doubt I will even start reading it because I would be too tired and not have the motivation, since I have to study for my final exams.
I love to try to remember most of the characters in the books, because I know somehow J.K. Rowling will reveal something about them that would just shock everyone. And by everyone, I also mean the people who just watch the Harry Potter movies. The movies are great, because they give a very graphic detail about the story the author wants to portray. The magical effects and apparitions are so cool that one can watch the movies over and over again, and not get bored.
Harry Potter is my favorite character in this series, because he has so many problems he has to face, like Lord Voldemort. “Voldemort,” as Harry calls him, is an evil wizard who terrorizes innocent people with his dark power. He has followers who are basically blackmailed into helping him destroy the lives of others and he almost killed Harry Potter as a baby. His mother used a rare spell that very few witches could perform, to protect Harry. This spell killed her, but let Harry live forever with a jagged, lightning bolt looking scar on his forehead.
Voldemort was very furious that this happened. He hadn’t expected something like that to happen, and it caused him to be powerless. So for years he had been trying to seek revenge as well as get his power back, because without power in the Harry Potter world, there is no way of killing a witch or wizard.
The story is ongoing; there is always something new about a character. That is why I love this series, but I hope everyone who can read at a third grade level, will pick up a Harry Potter book and see what I see. It’s just one of those things one has to do before a certain age or death.
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- 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago