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Ronda Black | - Free online hangout and friends
Jeni Black
Jeni Black owns this human at 1050 points.


Ronda Black

Ronda Black
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Night Owl Hangout
Herds: Postcard collector's club!, BINKYS NEW LIFE, The Pirate's and Viking's Cove, The Bat Cave, UNWANTED ITEMS, HP's Nicest Person Contest
Ronda's tales
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Ronda Black
Hi everyone it's Jeni Ronda's sister.

In a few days I will be closing off Ronda's account. I don't think it is fair for us to gain from her page as she is no longer using this account.. I will take responsibility of her points and will be donating random points to those who are needy...

Ronda loved each and everyone of her friends and pets who came to visit her. She loved her owner Sandie but unfortunately could not keep a lot of contact with her while she was in hospital...

I would sincerely like to thank each and everyone of you who have come to visit her page and brought a little joy to her life... she really loved HP..

Take care everyone and remember to hold dear all who you love.... cherish them


Ronda Black
Ronda Black "charneco" Inspiring - 15 years, 7 months, 7 days ago
Ronda Black
Hi everyone it's Jeni

My Beloved Sister Ronda passed away last night....

I will miss her....

Goodbye Ronda... keep smiling


Ronda Black
Ronda Black "charneco" Inspiring - 15 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
Ronda Black
Hi everyone this is Jeni.....

Ronda has lost consciousness.... cancer has spread to her liver and her lungs..

Please pray for her...

Ronda Black
Ronda Black "charneco" Inspiring - 15 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
Ronda Black
Hi everyone this is Jeni

I decided to get myself out of my house and try to visit my sister as I am starting to feel better. Ronda was so excited and so was I. She asked me to bring her some food etc. so we could just sit, chat, eat and have fun.

When I arrived at the hospital my sister said that before I could go and visit her I had to see the nurses at the front desk. I thought this was a little strange but I did what she asked. When I spoke to one of the nurses the nurse said that Ronda had tested positive for swine flu. When I heard this I was in shock.... Ronda didn't tell me and no one from the hospital contacted us either...

I went into Ronda's room with a mask, gloves and apron but stood far away from her as I didn't want to get worse.. I asked her why she didn't tell me and she said that she had no idea no one had told her..... now she was in shock! Ronda immediately burst into tears.... I was angry and went out to speak to one of the nurses. The nurse thought Ronda was told and tried to find out what was going on... then another nurse said 'yes we have told her but her memory is no good... she probably forgot'... now I was angry. They wanted to make excuses for their mistake and wanted to blame my poor sister... I couldn't believe it! My sister was a mess, I felt like hitting someone and it was a disaster.. I apologised to my sister and said that I will come back next week... thankfully she understood.. she knows I love her and she loves me...If she had known she would never ever have risked my exposure to the flu....

That night a doctor called to reassure us that Ronda will be alright and not to worry..... I just couldn't believe how everything was handled....

it was such a disappointment :-(

Ronda Black "charneco" Inspiring - 15 years, 7 months, 27 days ago
Ronda Black
Hi everyone it's Ronda's sister Jeni

I went to visit Ronda last night and she was over the moon to see me. I should have stayed home due to my illness but I was missing her too much. She was very emotional and started to cry..... poor thing going through so much!

She promised me she was going to do what was right to get her health up so she said she will make sure she eats properly and does everything the nurses and doctors tell her to do. She said she wants to get better for her family and of course for herself.

I was so happy to hear her say those words. I just hope she keeps that promise..... I want her to be well...

I was wondering if anyone would like to write to her by way of a postcard or small letter I know she would love that?? I know it would boost her morale. If anyone is interested please message me and I will give you an address......... thank you so much!

Ronda Black
Ronda Black "charneco" Inspiring - 15 years, 8 months, 6 days ago
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funny how i wrote a tale about those who passed before me just some hours ago so when i saw it was a year from ur passing i thought id come say hi to you and now i have added u to my list of those who may be gone but still worth talking too...sweet dreams, shelly x
A wish for you You have been given A wish for you.
Crafted by Ronda Black
Unknown "princess in pink" - 14 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
Jeni Black
Happy Birthday Ronda xoxo
I Miss You... You have been given I Miss You....
Crafted by Jeni Black
Jeni Black "~Fierce Phoenix~" ~Independent Soul~ - 14 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
Jeni Black
If only you were still here with me... My beautiful sister.. I miss you so much! why did you have to leave me...I will love you forever and ever...xoxoxo
For a Beautiful Angel...... You have been given For a Beautiful Angel...... .
Crafted by Jeni Black
Jeni Black "~Fierce Phoenix~" ~Independent Soul~ - 14 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
Cherrish what you have today for tomorrow it may disappear.
Ronda Black "charneco" Inspiring - 428 days, 14 hours, 58 minutes ago
Seraphine "~~NOT FOR SALE~~" good bye friends i will miss you - 15 years, 7 months, 7 days ago
Angela Carter

May you Rest In Peace... You have been given May you Rest In Peace... .
Crafted by Bunny Love
Angela Carter "~rest in peace~" THRILLED TO HEAR FROM LAURIE!! - 15 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
Angela Carter

you will be missed You have been given you will be missed.
Crafted by A Nony Mous
Angela Carter "~rest in peace~" THRILLED TO HEAR FROM LAURIE!! - 15 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
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Ronda's shop
Ronda's Trash or Treasure

A selection of items for everyone at low and affordable prices!

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Good Times
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250 pts
Good Times
Bought by 12 people
Up all Night ! Sleep all Day.
1 use

300 pts
Up all Night ! Sleep all Day.
Bought by 17 people
Thanks for dropping by!
1 use

300 pts
Thanks for dropping by!
Bought by 29 people
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200 pts
Bought by 5 people
Have a happy day!
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250 pts
Have a happy day!
Bought by 33 people
Take care
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250 pts
Take care
Bought by 15 people
See you next time
1 use

250 pts
See you next time
Bought by 27 people
Thanks for shopping
1 use

300 pts
Thanks for shopping
Bought by 23 people
Donation for me
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1000 pts
Donation for me
Bought by 101 people
Mindfreak.... are you ready?
1 use

300 pts
Mindfreak....   are you  ready?
Bought by 15 people
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250 pts
Bought by 5 people
Rock on!
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300 pts
Rock on!
Bought by 23 people
A date with Criss Angel
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250 pts
A date with Criss Angel
Bought by 8 people
Hypnotise.... to come and get me
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300 pts
Hypnotise.... to come and get me
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I love the Nightlife
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250 pts
I love the Nightlife
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