You won't believe what happened!!!!
We made a bunch of new friends! The Danger Bunny Crew University is growing at a rapid pace, and we now have financial aid!
On to the story about what happened, why we have so many new bunny cheeks:
So me and snuggz were walking in the forest of Anaheim, CA down Ball st. when we came upon a train yard(lots of trains). We decided to check it out, so I could give snuggz a break from walking, and what do you know?
We found blonde bunny nico bunny and chin bunny(our only guy bunny((hes gay))) hanging out by a little patch of grass.
When we approached, a bunch of bunnies jumped out from behind a train, I mean, a bunch..... There was, Ng Bunny, Choco Bunny, Bendy Bunny, Mistress Bunny, Hairmo Bunny(Emo hair peww), tati bunny, bendy bunny, and soo many more.
These bunnies seemed mad, Choco bunny spoke in rhyme and was all like:
"wht the hell are you bunnys doin'
chewin up our grass don't ruin
the fun were havin'
the buns were grabbin'
i think imma be stabbin
if you proceed to chew
on all my snacks
what else can i do"
And the rest of the bunnies sang the chorus together:
"We are the bunnys of the railroad track
if you chew up our snacks you won't ever come back
don't be sassy and dont be mad
all of us bunnys grew up with no dad!"
So I said, "You know what bunnies, I feel bad for you, and you really can sing - but I'm a man bunny and if you %!$# with me, I'm going to back hand you wif mah stronnnggg hand."
And the Danger Bunnys stoppd chewin, and came over to us.
And the bunnies got real angry, so I said.
"But wait, I also feel bad you have no father, so I am offering you to come with us, and join the danger bunnies."
The bunnies seemed angry, and I was getting worried because there was A LOT of bunnies(look at the list now!) - but they said:
"Ok Blake Bunny, we will come with you, because you seem to be the coolest bunny on the scene."
And we all chewed crass and some flowers which were white and so scrummy.
Then we walked down the road, talking and introducing ourselves.
(I think I saw two bunnies kissing(lesbians?), I will tell you in the next tale if I see more!)
Unknown "Danger Bunny!" Rabid
- 16 years, 8 months, 25 days ago