Life of a Human Pet
What will this world think of next;
You still have to sit here and type alot of text;
Do you find the humor in being a Human Pet;
How much funnier could meeting someone get;
Sitting all day and night in front of the computer bumming;
Couldn't it be alittle easier to make some points than thumbing;
You can join a friends herd for points to make your post;
Then you relize you could make more points being the host;
Beware of pet theives, they are always on the prowl;
Stealing your pets to the point you want to mail back something fowl;
But instead you keep buying your pets back because you care;
Then you look at your little points you have left knowing its not fair;
You can invite your Face Book friends and earn points for trips or a gift;
Making a store is another way to collect alot of points with;
From shimmering hearts, to pretty flowers, to bouncy balls;
You'll find it all if you shop at the newest malls;
And when pets are really down on points there is always an auction;
But there is always a catch so bid with caution;
Cyber surfing from page to page to find that perfect pet;
New comers sitting patiently unaware of the owner they will get;
Some will like their new home, some will try to secretly escape;
For becoming loyal to my master would be great;
If you don't see me online, please pet me and leave me some mail;
And why you're on my page don't forget to thumb my newest tale;
So owner please shower me with gifts and thumb all my post;
Hey you never know, someday somewhere we could be sharing a toast.
Written By Walter Valentine
(C)2008 all rights reserved
Unknown " ♥My Love♥" Peaceful
- 16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago