I am best described as easy going and down to earth. Not much will get me mad except for political and social injustice, racism and sexism. I live my life in a positive flow and hope to someday be able to share that with someone. I am a musician, but I do not support myself with it. I am currently attending Fanshawe and will be entering the Music Industry Arts program next fall in hopes of becoming a Producer or Artist Representation. I have the drive to be successful in my chosen career, but I will not let it take over my life.
About you:
Someone who can enjoy life. Pretty much anyone that is genuinely happy.
That lyrics is from Rest of My Life by Sloan a good Canadian band. It got me thinking about all the questions in the song. Will I settle down or will it take the rest of my life to settle down? I seem to be either unlucky or just plain dumb in that area of life. Where will I live for the rest of my life? I would like to go all over the place but I would also like a family. I just can't seem to commit to something.
On another not I think people waste too much time playing mind games to get what they want when they should just reach out and grab it. If you like someone tell them, you may get rejected and you may look like an idiot but at least you won't be wasting anymore time, time that you could spend with the person or looking for someone else.
I complain about the actions of people a lot but I know I do the exact same things. Sometimes situations are not what they seem and you know that but you can't help but hope it can change. I find myself wishing the worst on people so maybe it will get better for me, in a way other people's misery makes me joyous. Daniel Glenn Webster"Hiro"Carefree
- 15 years, 9 months, 14 days ago
Multiple times in the past few days have have been met with the statement that the Beatles are overrated. I do not out rightly agree with the statement but in a way I can see where these people may be coming from. Lately it seems that people listen to older music and wear the t-shirts in hopes of achieving some level of retro coolness and not for the reasons I listen to it. What the Beatles were part of and how they changed the music industry is not overrated and it most cases their music is not overrated but often under appreciated. And this is where the person that thinks they are overrated would ask "what did they do for music?" and now I shall answer that. First the pretty much eliminated the use of outside song writers. Their recording methods were unconventional at the time and are now seen as common place or even outdated. Their music is poetic, ironic, beautiful, smooth and well rounded. Finally, they were the first studio band, they spent more time in the studio then any other group at the time. Daniel Glenn Webster"Hiro"Carefree
- 15 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
I sit here and looks at the books on my shelf and think "Some may consider me a well read person". I am confronted with such authors as Simone de Beauvoir, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, Plato, Aristotle and many more. Sure I have read some interesting things but if you look at those authors it is clear that I am looking for answers and do not claim to have them. Maybe that is the sign of a wise person, someone who knows they do not know. Daniel Glenn Webster"Hiro"Carefree
- 16 years ago
"Some girls try too hard to impress with the way that they dress and those things on their chest and the things they suggest" - Mark Hoppus Daniel Glenn Webster"Hiro"Carefree
- 16 years ago
by grace Dearest one, My name is grace, I am very happy to view your profile here today,as I'm interested in knowing you.reply me through my private email address at ( graceandrew001@hotmail.com ) so that i can write you and send you my picture. Yours truly grace