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"Kijira Not4 Sale"

Unknown, 60/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:10:04 PM
Join date:16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
Location: United States

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~ Anais Nin"
About me:
♥ Loving ♥ Kind hearted ♥ Creative ♥ Loyal ♥ Fun loving ♥ Passionate ♥ Dramatic ♥ Submissive ♥ Strong ♥ Funny ♥ Intelligent ♥ Easily Hurt ♥ Curious ♥ Extreme ♥ Searching ♥ Friendly ♥ Outgoing ♥ Playful ♥ Lonely ♥ Adventurous ♥ Caring ♥ Exciteable ♥ Honest ♥
About you:
♥ People who are creative and interesting excite me...
♥ People who are intelligent and self aware intrigue me...
♥ People who are not scared of feelings and emotions interest me...
♥ People of truth and honor inspire me...
♥ Who are you?
♥ Looking for someone to make me purr....
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, Kink For Real, *PIRATES*

60 pts

50 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
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This is me kissing my main man... my little mini Dom... the love of my life my puppy...Dulce. No matter what... my sweet demanding little mini Dom greets me with wiggles and licks and loves me unconditionally licking my tears and snuggling away my fears. He has me wrapped around his tiny paws and knows how to work me with those big brown chihuahua eyes...

what a gift God gave us in pets!!
Unknown "Kijira Not4 Sale" Loyal - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Sometimes..... people have real life situations that pull them away from the computer for periods of time....this doesnt mean they have left facebook...doesnt mean they vanished and most certainly DOESNT MEAN THEY ARE A FAKE ACCT....

I will be hit or miss this summer...death of my adored mother and best friend has thrown a wrench in my spirit...and to heal I will be going to a week vacation on captiva island in florida and basking in the sun with my family and for a 2 week vacation to egypt (on wait list for one leg of the flight so here is hoping) with my sister to heal. I am also driving back and forth (six hour drive) to my moms home (my childhood home) to clean out the home I grew up in an love and cherish.


I guess when I do come back the real friends will remain... and for you my dear friends... thank you for understanding and not bailing on me or giving up on me...I will promise to understand if you are not on at times...and will understand with a loyal and trusting heart that real life can throw obstacles in your path.

thank you for those of you who care about any of this and those of you who understand.
Unknown "Kijira Not4 Sale" Loyal - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Kissed any one of your HP friends? No
Been arrested? No
Kissed someone you didn't like? Yes
Slept in until 5 PM? Yes
Fallen asleep at work/school? Yes
Held a snake? Yes
Run a red light? Yes
Been suspended from school? No
Totaled your car/motorbike in an accident? No
Been fired from a job? Yes
Sung karaoke? Yes
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes
Kissed in the rain? Yes
Sung in the shower? Yes
Sat on a rooftop? Yes
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? Yes
Broken a bone? Yes
Shaved your head? No
Blacked out from drinking? Yes
Played a prank on someone? Yes
Felt like killing someone? Yes
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? No
Been in a band? Yes
Shot a gun? Yes
Tripped on mushrooms? No
Donated Blood? No
Eaten alligator meat? Yes
Eaten cheesecake? Yes
Still love someone you shouldn't? Yes
Think about the future? Yes
Believe in love? Yes
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? Yes
Unknown "Kijira Not4 Sale" Loyal - 16 years, 9 months, 15 days ago
I am annoyed...
So many sweet kind people I have met online...and if not for them I would have given up long ago on meeting people in this forum...
SO many fake people...why engage someone and present yourself as something you are not?
I am me...I speak to people as ME...I do not try to be someone I am not...
I am tired of meeting people who seem intelligent and sincere only to find days or months later... they were FAKES...
I am tired of being disapointed...
Am I the only one that has this happen?
For those friends I have made on FB who are kind and genuine ... thankyou.. you know who you are I hopefully let you know daily that you are special to me...
For the others...dont waste my time and I vow to not waste yours...
If you are not a person of honor please find someoe else to disapoint! And...if you claim to be a Dom... please understand what that term means..
Unknown "Kijira Not4 Sale" Loyal - 16 years, 9 months, 19 days ago
My first trip to Switzerland was at Christmas...seems we are never home during this holiday which makes it all the more special...I love Christmas and everything about it and travelling at this time of year is the best...We stayed in Grindelwald...visited local glaciers...took day trips to many cities in the area but the best memory I have was hiking in the Alps with my mother and sister....traveling with my two favorite women in the world is very special...the three of us have been many places together and never tired of eachother and always had so much it will just be my sister and I with other family members since my mom passed..but the memories the three of us shared are in my heart...we always found an occasion to break into song and dance and hiking in the Alps seemed like the perfect we went through the entire collection of "Sound of Music" songs...the most special song we sang however was "Adelweis" ...this song has special meaning to the three of us and represents the love and joy we felt when we traveled together...that day in the Alps we were supposed to go on a short hike which ended up taking hours...we got lost...had only a tangerine smuggled from the states by my rebel mom and no other food...a man on a snowmobile warned us to get home due to avalnaches! and at one point I met up with a huge St. Bernard...being my animal lover self i snuggled and hugged him up and had to take advantage of the photo opp =P...our adventure ended eventually and we were no worse for the wear...tired hungry but full of memories...then back to our uber hotel and a dinner that lasted for hours and much food ... so much wine...then back to a delicious bed with a huge down comforter... a perfect day.
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown "Kijira Not4 Sale" Loyal - 16 years, 9 months, 20 days ago
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You are now me new Wench. You are one of my wenches, you must work with all that need your help, and also sing for us with your lovely voice.
You have been given Arr! Matey!.
Crafted by Davy Jones
TamiJean "Lady Bleee" Courageous - 16 years, 3 months, 17 days ago
YOU MUST GO TO OUR HERD!!! Put your name in the topic " Crew Official Names"


You have been given Pirate Love Donations!.
Crafted by TamiJean
TamiJean "Lady Bleee" Courageous - 16 years, 5 months, 7 days ago
Hello sweetie!
You have been given *a little fairy magic*.
Crafted by Alanna
TamiJean "Lady Bleee" Courageous - 16 years, 5 months, 10 days ago
Rick Miller
Missed ya, and...Glad you're back !!
You have been given Country Flowers.....
Crafted by Rick Miller
Rick Miller "Soulmate NFS" - 16 years, 6 months, 9 days ago
Melanie Miller
YAY !! You're back !! HOORAY !!
You have been given Bunny Kisses.
Crafted by Unknown
Melanie Miller "MY SOUL MATE ! " Carefree - 16 years, 6 months, 10 days ago

missed you!!!
You have been given Dragon Protector.
Crafted by Georgie
TamiJean "Lady Bleee" Courageous - 16 years, 6 months, 10 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Le Shoppe

Wet Kisses
1 use

200 pts
Wet Kisses
Bought by 45 people
Missing you...
1 use

200 pts
Missing you...
Bought by 7 people
Groovy Kisses
1 use

200 pts
Groovy Kisses
Bought by 14 people
♥ Love ♥
1 use

200 pts
♥ Love ♥
Bought by 6 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 7 people
Stormy Kisses
1 use

200 pts
Stormy Kisses
Bought by 24 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 43 people
Champagne Bubblebath
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200 pts
Champagne Bubblebath
Bought by 23 people
An Invitation to a tea party...
1 use

200 pts
An Invitation to a tea party...
Bought by 9 people
A candlelit night...
1 use

200 pts
A  candlelit night...
Bought by 8 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 12 people

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