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My Broken_Down Soul
My Broken_Down Soul owns this human at 60 points.

"Modest Mousey"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Sex Kittens, ANIME LOVERS
60 pts

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Unknown's tales
"What's your name?" I asked, another stab at conversation.


"Because I want to know."

He stopped trotting and I stopped beside him. he sighed a deep sigh and said," OK here it is, My name is Zama I need to get to 3rd street to see a dog named Bruiser why I'm looking for a dog is to find a can who calls herself Demia but her humans call her Apo. I don't care what your name is, I don't want to play chase and unless you can feed me or get me to 3rd street, which you can probably do neither, I don't want your help." He took another deep breath and exhaled slowly. There was a moment of silence in which he raised his eye brow and said "well"

I took a deep breath, "Fine go about you business I don't want to help you. Its not like I live on 3rd street and know Bruiser's son or any thing noooo because I'm not a big a bad stray and it's not like I have caned wet food and heated indoors in the middle of winter no. I don't have a pallet to sleep on at night next to the furnace and even if there was room I wouldn't share it with a disrespectful little street punk who doesn't know how to treat a lady Hmmph!" I started to walk back to my car where my human was calling me all worried like.

"Wait" Zama called "I said I wanted food didn't I!"
Unknown "Modest Mousey" Serene - 17 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
I was jerked out of my envening nap by my human. I had forgotten, due to recent events, that i was to get groomed today. Suddenly I was happy again and excited to boot. My human, a short female with brown hair and fair complection, picked me up and scratched behind my ears. I began to purr. I couldn't stop myself it was just so awesome! My human (whos name was Jessica) began talking, but I was neither listening nor caring. She put me in my kennel and put me in her car. She walked around, got in, and started the car. We then began the 20 minute trip to the groomer. Jessica was sining along with every song that happened to be on the radio. Now I don't mean to fuss, but you know how people who can't sing seem to always sing in the car when they think noone can hear. Well we can hear, better than you, and you cannot sing so just don't try you silly humans.
We finaly arrived at the groomers, and my human took me inside and out of my cage, put me on the reception desk and rang the bell. A Pretty lady (when I say pretty I mean pretty for a human) in her mid thirtys came to the desk with a vapid grin much like a woman in a beauty pagent.
"What can I do for you?" The lady asked with a mild southern accent.
"I'm here for Juno's appointment," My human responded, "Should be under Lyn. Juno Lyn?" The woman consulted a reduculusly large tome muttering all the while,"Lyn, Lyn, Lyn. Ah! here we are 4:30 grooming appointment is that correct?"
"Should be." Jessica responded cherrily.
"Right just have a seet righ over there Malinda will be with you shortly. She's just finishing up with Rupert."
"Thank you." Jessica picked me off the conter and sat down with me in her lap.
It must have taken to "finish up" with Rupert because he was finished 45 minutes later. Rupert was the owner of a black lab named Likerish. Lickerish was a sweet female canine who always held a soft spot in my heart as far as dogs go. She was named for the candy but they niknamed her Licky for a good reason. She slobered on everyone she met including animals. I know this from experince... *shudders*
One combing, shampooing, and a trim latter I was the prettyest kitty in the kennel. Or I felts so at least. My human was paying the Front Desk Lady when I saw it. Just out side the door of the shop. Was it a animal? No, no living thing moves like that? Russhing across traffic like a manic was a stray cat pure black save one ear tip that was purest white. Male. I looked at my human now engrosed in conversation with the Lady. The stray was nearly to the shop. I had to move now. As my luck would have it another customer came though the door and I slipped out with out too much difficulty. I looked around for the cat and just caught his ebony tail zipping around the edge of the shoppe. I followed at a fast trot quiet yet swift. As I turned the corner, out of the blue somthing large and black hit me and I went rolling. I tussled with the adversary only to be pinned down by the stray I saw earlyer.
"Why are you following me?" He growled loudly and much more harsly than nessasary.
"I... I, I" I was baffled and I was never good under pressure.
"Answer." The cat demanded and boxed me in the ear.
"Ow what the ok thats just not nice."
"Maybe you should practice what you preach and don't follow unknown animals around"
"I was just curious!" I exclamed exasperated. He chuckled," Haven't you heard the saying pussy cat?"
"Yeah yeah now will you get off me." He glared at me a little while longer but graciously lettup however reluctanly. "Thank you." I said dusting myself off. "Hey where you going?" He had obvously lost intrest in me and thought better to spend his time else where. Well he had another thing coming. Juno Lyn will not be innored!
"Hey where you going?" I began to trott after him.
"What's it matter to you?"
"I dunno I just want to know."
"Hmmph Nosey much?"
"I'm just a cat what do you expect?"
"I got a job to do" I chuckled at that "A job. What you a hit man?
Unknown "Modest Mousey" Serene - 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
It was cold this morning, cold enough to make this kitty want to stay in bed. The past days of sickness had made me weary but i managed to crawl out of bed and rush to the bathroom to clean myself.
It was warm water that woke me out of my state zonkitude. My human was washing her face and many drops were being splashed on me. On Purpose!! Oh that human! I was upset with her all morning, but being a cat who needs food, I soon forgave her when she gave me half a bagel. Cream cheese! Yum.
I was then put in my kennel and taken to Meow and Bow High School: a place for all your animal needs... at least that's what the brochure said. Any way I was taken to the school and put in a room with many other cats older and younger than myself. I saw my best friends Joy and Rachel. Joy was a black cat and Rachel was a beautiful calico kitten.
"What up my nigga?" said Joy to me as i trotted over.
"Yo home slice" I smerked as we executed our traditional paw shake. "You guys know what day is today right?"
"Thursday?" Inquired Rachel. I thought a moment.
"Well... yes but other than thursday."
"No, Juno tell us." Joy said sarcasticly, "Its not like you haven't told us every day leading up to your fur cut, and belive me Juno you are quite over due for one."
"Shut up you african american, I am excited."
"No one cares you Cuban Commie!"
"Well I'll make you care!"
"Ha try it!"
"Guys seriously no ones buying" Rachel interupted. "We all know your ethnicity so stop your braging"
"Noone asked you Caucation feline." I retored, but just then the bell rang to go to first training session.
It was just as any other day: Sit, stay, pee in a box of sand, jump through a hoop for a treat, you know normal stuff.
Lunch time came and I was happy because today I had friskees! I hadn't gotten much of that for a while and I was excited, but not nearly as excited as I was when the love of my life just so happened to sit next to me. His name was Taylor and he was gorgous! With a lusious gray coat and startling green eyes he was obviouly the hottest guy in the class.
"Hey Juno"
"hehe Hi" (stop it juno your drooling)
"Can I sit there" Taylor asked smiling a dasling tooted smile.
"Sure you can. Sit right here" Joy intruded pointing next to her.
"Thanks" he said and sat down on the OTHER side of Joy... the side I wasn't on. She twereled her hair and flurted unashamed but that was Joy. She would flurt with a fence post it i had nice a nice coat.
I shook my head and ate my food which no longer had taste to it. All life had no joy in it... or too much Joy, I didn't know. I got home still depressed and layed down on my pallet and slept the rest of the day. Before I driffted into a cat- comma I thought (Tommarow I'll talk to Taylor, tommarrow).
Unknown "Modest Mousey" Serene - 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago

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this is nice
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Unknown "Thurgood Jenkins" Growling - 17 years, 1 month, 15 days ago

You have been walked.
Unknown "Thurgood Jenkins" Growling - 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
hey juno. Your my pet now and ill show you how to keep a pet.
Unknown "Thurgood Jenkins" Growling - 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago

Unknown "I Love Alexx" Wild - 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago

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Unknown "I Love Alexx" Wild - 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
... thats no accard at all lols!
Unknown "Modest Mousey" Serene - 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
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