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Darcci Heise

Darcci Heise, 33/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:3:38 PM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 1 day ago
Location: Topeka United States

"♪☠☢✖♪☠☢Dar cci Playground♪☠☢✖ ☠☢"
About me:
My name is Darcci. I'm 16 years old. I still go to school.
I'm in foster care so I do move around a lot.
I have lots of friends all over.
I have lived in Kansas most of my life *such a drag*!!!!!
I don't really like talking on the phone or shopping. I know I'm not a normal girl.
But thats what everyone likes about me.
I'm a leader not a follower...
I like Rock music and random music.
I have a brother *who is my best friend* that is very close to me so don't dis him!!!!!
I am very possessive. I do get attatched way way to easily. I'm single at the moment. But I have been rejected so many times I don't want a relationship.
I like different types of people.
I'm here to ONLY make friends.
If you want my email address just ask...I will decide if I want to give it to you!♪☠☢
About you:
My name Darcci Ilene Motto.
My birthday is December 8th 1991.
I believe in ☮ and Firearms.
I have the greatest boyfriend in the world.
I hate the sound of a house phone ringing.
I refuse to take medicine or go to the doctor.
I think way too much for my own good, it affects my mood dramatically.
I don't regret my past; I’m just disappointed in myself. & in a lot of the people who were in it.
I have a religion.
I like church.
I respect your views, respect mine.
I don't smoke, I don't do drugs.
But I drink. Not a lot.
I don't like hot weather, so I stay inside a lot.
My fan is never off, and I have a black light instead of a regular one.
I’m not a holiday person, at all.
I hate wearing make-up, and doing my hair.
I prefer to look like a hobo.
I rarely ever wear shoes, it's gross but comfortable.
I have piercings; Ears(7) Lip(2) Nose
I have tattoos; One on my back, Two on my wrist on one on my hip.
I’m pretty anti-social. Being in a group makes me aggravated.
I like driving, whether I am or someone else is.
Vacations are something I enjoy.
I’ve been through more then most people older then I have.
I wish I had extensions because I think my hair's too short.
I’m finally getting over my past; I’m moving on.
I’m usually always happy.
I can fit in my dryer.
I’ve been in love once; but I moved on.
I love chick-fil-a, fruit cups and fries ♥
Weed is not a part of my life; I refuse to be around it.
I cry a lot; sometimes for no reason.
I buy coloring books and crayons with my extra money.
Tea, tea, tea ♥
Scary movies are my favorite; I can settle for romance.
I love candles; a lot.
I’ve seen snow 10000 times; I like it.
I don't eat any type of fish...
Baking is fun to me.
I like being in the country; stars make me hope..
Ghost stories are fun to hear.
When my nails are painted they are always a neon color or black.
I’d rather be on an ULTRA PLUSH BED :)
I like wearing clothes that are too big for me.
Blueberry smoothies are the best!
If it could storm everyday; I’d always be happy.
I hate 3 people; they know who they are.
My natural hair color is chocolate brown.
I lost my front teeth when I was 4.
I’m the shortest one in my family.
I love acoustic; indie; pop.
People talk so much shit about me; idgaf. Learn that:]
I have a thing for making fun of 13 year old scene kids.
I hardly ever wear makeup; if I do it's not a lot.
My hair changes color for fun.
My lips are always chapped; I hate that.
And they are 3 different colors...
I’m always sick.
I tend to complain about stupid things; a lot.
I take showers in the dark.
I hate looking old friends/ex's in the eyes; and seeing the pain in them. I hate feeling that pain.
I think everyone secretly hates me.
I love Jake.
I love milk.
I hate meeting parents.
I’m not nice to people I don't know.
If I’m not talking; there's something wrong.
I don't like 96% of the people who come into my life.
I’m lazy; very lazy.
I’m predictable.
Joe is my best friend; I wish he was around more.
I have a black iPod Touch with Dino stickers on it...if I can find it...
Green is my favorite color; along with black and pink.
Soup is gross except potato soup..
When I was little, everyone thought I was raised by wolves.
I love my Brother more then anyone in this world.
In elementary school; I wont a writing contest for glasses and won a bear.
I listen to metal/hardcore/grind core stuff when I’m in a bad mood.
I look like my grandmother.
12/12/12, we're not going to die. We didn't on 6/6/06 either.
Out the ass scene kids bother the hell out of me.
I hate when people won't be your friend because their friends don't like you.
I don't believe in much; just karma and hope.
I feel bad for teenage moms.
I like being bitten; so yes I do bite.
I’m sweeter then I make myself sound.
I'm Bisexual; nothing about me is straight :)
I can't sing; but I do.
I can't dance; but I do.
I love goldfish; the snack that smiles back...
When I was in cross-country, everyone said my boobs were fake.
There's always something over my window.
I'm always never at the mall.
I used to go to Java Jazz, and then it got stupid.
The people, who go, ruin it.
I can't wear contacts, I’m afraid to put them in.
I hold grudges.
I have a bad habit of meeting someone in person; then never talking to them again.
I'm never 100% happy with anything.
I believe in anything religious; seriously.
I'm not afraid to die.
Blacks; Mexican; Asians; rarely any of them get along with me. As a matter of fact; rarely do white people get along with me.
I wish I could have a lunch box collection..
My hair never grows. Everything I get my hands on, I lose.
Acne bothers me; I can't look and talk to you at the same time if you have it.
I hate hair, I shave everything.
I've been on probation.
Eva Longoria is the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.
I don't like tomatoes, but I love ketchup.
I love sour candy.
I hardly ever talk when I’m in a car.
If you're Twilight obsessed, and Twilight absorbed, i probably won't talk to you.
I don't get along with females.
I have no tolerance.
I don't give chances to scene kids; unless I love you already.
I sleep a lot.
I get cold easily.
I'm always sick.
I have nightmares instead of dreams.
I despise almost everyone.
I hate being outside.
I cry everyday; I don't know how to control my temper.
I'm not the nicest person out there.
I care about almost nothing.
You always have to tell me twice because I won't listen the first time.
I think too much, but I won't think twice about you. Unless you are Jake.
I'm a bit complicated, but I’m doing fine.
One day, my body will be covered in tattoos, to tell my story.
I have no idea what I want; only what I don't want.
I can't play Guitar Hero to save my life.
I can't open a juice box.
I love Chinese food,
This is my life.

☮ ♥ ♪☠☢
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi
Herds (lead): ♪☠☢DARCCI♪☠☢
Herds: LGBT thumbing, Twigster's, The Arkansas Gay Herd!, kennifer's, Derrick's Thumbing Herd
210000 pts
Darcci's tales
Darcci Heise
If you want to thumb me please go to my herd...


If you do thumb my herd please them this tale as well...Thank you.
Darcci Heise Peaceful - 16 years, 10 months, 24 days ago
Darcci Heise
On April 18 will be The Day of Silence...if any one reads these and they support LGBT relationships they should so do The Day of Silence. Please if you support you should write this...: "Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I am participating in the Day of Silence, a national youth movement protesting the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their allies. My deliberate silence echoes that silence, which is caused by harassment, prejudice, and discrimination. I believe that ending the silence is the first step toward fighting these injustices. Think about the voices you are not hearing today."

Darcci Heise Peaceful - 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago

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looking in on you You have been given looking in on you.
Crafted by Darla Dudley
Spider-Man "Spidey" Ecstatic - 13 years, 11 months, 15 days ago

sunshine for your day You have been given sunshine for your day .
Crafted by MizDaisy
Spider-Man "Spidey" Ecstatic - 14 years, 13 days ago
Welcome back!
The Golden Seal Of Approval You have been given The Golden Seal Of Approval.
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Spider-Man "Spidey" Ecstatic - 14 years, 19 days ago
Hi there! I am just going around to tons of profiles and saying hello :) You don't have to reply but if you're not interested in talking to someone, just ignore this. Random Hello #42! :)
GeeDubz "GD" Bored of HP. Save me. - 14 years, 6 months, 10 days ago
Johnny Sixx
Just wanted to say Welcome back!

Johnny Sixx Inspired - 15 years, 2 months ago
Ah no what happened to your job? Yes I miss you, was there ever any doubt? :P
Don "MyPlayground" Lonely - 15 years, 3 months, 28 days ago
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Darcci's shop

Well I have many things you won't find else where...
... and then I might have stuff that is not so unoriginal.
Thank you for visiting my shop. I hope you find what you're looking for...♥

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