Entering the door, she was shaky and unstead. Looming feelings from the day she had been there last always came to mind. Not all of the memories were good. She couldn't help how she felt, but she loved him and she existed to him. He would be on the top floor and he always waited to leave when she got there. Today was lunch and today she was suppose to expect something special. She didn't want to, but with him it was impossible. He met her at the elevator and they went down together hand in hand. After they had walked out the doors again, He stopped. He said he'd forgoten something and would be right back. She nodded. She watched him walk to the doors and step inside. When the door shut several charges at the base of the building went off and the building began to crumble. When she woke up, she couldn't hear anything but silence, as she sat there numb as one can be she began to look around and next to her he lay there, and sure enough there was no breath in his body. She tried to move closer to him, but her left leg was twisted around underneath a huge piece of concrete. She could not feel it. She reached for his hand, and while grasping it she found the surprise she was suppose to be expecting. In his hand was a small box and inside was a beautiful silver ring with a single diamond heart. She slipped the the ring on her finger and was able to pull herself close enough to lay her head on his shoulder, and cried a lonely cry, and hoped to die.
Unknown "Splintered Soul" Feisty
- 16 years, 6 months, 13 days ago
I have become this and it sucks. I am with only words a pathetic human being. I have tried to do as intended, yet for some unknown reason it never seems to be enough. I feel almost pathetic at times and sometimes wish that I wasn't here. I already feel as if I am sitting on the sidelines waiting for myself to make the right move and trying to cheer her on.
Unknown "Splintered Soul" Feisty
- 16 years, 8 months, 11 days ago
I have seen my fair share of pain, and I have gone the greiving processes more than once, whether it was for the death of a loved one or the status of my broken, beaten, and shattered heart. I know life is not always perfect and I am not saying to give up on life, but I am asking, when does the pain end. I feel like I know a lot and that I understand an astounding amount to where I can give good advice for people in certain situations. I want to know what comes next, I want to know why i choose to always hurt, I want to know why my life continues blankly.
Unknown "Splintered Soul" Feisty
- 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
She sat in the field surronded by grass and wildflowers that grew all around her. Her face like an angel. She wore a white dress for purity, but also a brusie for reality. Everyday she would come to that field to feel free from him, free from the pain. She was his ward, his property and always would be, but someday his pain would set her free.
Unknown "Splintered Soul" Feisty
- 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
Have you ever felt like someone has a knife to your throat, but you don't want to move. It could be a bad feeling or it could be that you are just so sad that anything of punishhment seems of choice to you.
Unknown "Splintered Soul" Feisty
- 16 years, 11 months, 9 days ago