Once Apon atime there was a lonely coffee bean, this coffee bean had no name, because it was a fricken coffee bean alright? WEll anyyway. One day it was just sitting in the coffe bean bag in the freezor (dontt ask) just minding his own buisness. Thenn a VERRY MEAN GIRL names sylvia, came and threw the coffee bean on the ground. This made him sad and very lonely. Buht the sylvia laughed at the bean with her best friend ALETHEAAA. they laughed at the coffee bean's pain and suffering. Then they ran down stairs because somone was comming and they didn't want to be caught at the crime scene. The next day They woke up to get some breakfast, and the coffee bean was still there!. THeyy laughed even more at the site of the bean still lying there crying like the little coffee beannn he was. They picked him up and threw him in the garbage. and that my friend is the End.
I Know this was a truly amazing story, and yes it is VERY true 100%.
k bye.
Unknown "Teehee LeeLee" Feisty
- 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago