S & M You're all about sex toys, games, chains, and handcuffs!!! A perfect night for you would be to chain your lover to the bed and have your way with them, though a night of role-playing is always fun too. You most likely have a collection of sex toys in your underwear drawer that never have time to get cold because you're all about doing it whenever and wherever you are. Whew!
Barbaric You have a wild, fierce, and strong animal-like nature behind your lovemaking and that makes you very passionate. When you find the "one" you can give your whole heart to, you give that and then some! It's true that most people say there's no love behind that much fire but that's quite the opposite. You love who you're with and have no problem slamming them down on the sheets and showing them the time of their life! For this, your lover will respond back with the same animal nature and that will show you how much they love you back! For you, it's rough all the way and always very heated and intense!!!
so apparently I am both???? Rani Kapoor"Runi Poo"Calm
- 16 years, 28 days ago
Rani Kapoor"Runi Poo"Calm
- 16 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
Ok it's a well known fact that I love my Shahrukh Khan - I've even tried to stalk him (unsuccessfully I might add) But I gotta admit - even though I love the contemporary version of the 1970's classic 'Don' - nobody holds a candle to Helen and Amitabh Bachchan. Watch the 2 clips of the same song from Don 2007 and 1978 and see if you disagree??
Don 2007
Don 1978
Rani Kapoor"Runi Poo"Calm
- 16 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
Ok I'm gonna put it out there........I can't stand Rishi Kapoor. Even though he is a relative of mine (LOL). But ya gotta love this film clip - it's a great song - and he's wearing an Elvis jumpsuit!!
Rani Kapoor"Runi Poo"Calm
- 16 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
This movie 'Namak Halal' cracks me up. I swear the director and the cast sat down and watched 'The Party' before making this. Bollywood sending up Peter Sellers sending up them.........
Then this is the famous white shoe scene from 'The Party'. I will try and find the Namak Halal version so you can see they're the same but equally funny.
Rani Kapoor"Runi Poo"Calm
- 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago