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Unknown's tales
"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds"
Robert Oppenheimer, Trinity 1945 the creator of the nucular bomb said this after the first succesful test of the nucular bomb
Unknown "redneck" Lazy - 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
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Unknown "redneck" Lazy - 16 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
a book im writing i know it needs edited

Authors note

What if I told you there was life out there. What if I told you that contact has already been made with them. What if I was tell you that there was a war going. Well I'm going to try to tell you that story the best way I can. It all started on that fateful evening of July 2, 1947. It was covered up of course, by the same military that now is fighting it.


Mac was an ordinary guy, he was just getting in from tending to his sheep when he heard a loud crash off in the distance. He decided to go check it out. He got in his truck and started heading toward a strange glow that was on the edge of his property. When he got there he had wished he didn't it was a strange looking metal disc. It was about 40 feet around and only about 10 feet tall. There weren't any markings on it, not even a window to see out of. All of the sudden a piece of the side began to split, no not split it was opening. And what came out was indescribable. It was about nine feet tall, covered in little spines. It was bipedal, with two arm like extremities. It seemed to be hurt, it was limping. It seemed to be occupied looking over the metal object that he had exited. Mac decided he should go get some help. So he quietly got back to his truck and sped back to his house and called the sheriff and told him what he had seen. The sheriff in turn called up the army base not knowing what else to do. The army dispatched a small team to investigate and if they found extraterrestrials to report back in. when they got there, there was now three of the alien creatures outside the ship. The reported to base of what they were seeing. Base told them to set up a perimeter around it so that no one else would come into contact with it. So they did as they were told. When the rest of the platoon arrived the alien creatures had noticed the attention that they were getting and had retreated in to the wreckage of their ship. A small squad of 6 men were ordered to go and try to make contact. They did as they were told and when they got to the door of the ship they spotted one of the creatures. They approached slowly with their rifles at the ready. The creature didn't seem to be frightened. They got within ten feet of it and stopped. The creature didn't do anything but look at them with what resembled eyes. Then the creature started making a odd clicking sound that kept changing pitch and tune. One of them realized it was talking. He said to the thing "hello, and welcome to earth". the creature hearing this cocked his head and stared at him quizzically. He decided to keep talking when all of the sudden the creature made four loud clicks and the other two creatures emerged from behind it. All of the sudden the creature extended one of its spiny arms. The guy closest to it took it as a friendly gesture and extended his. The creature took one big step and took the guys hand in its own spiny three fingered hand. The guy turned his head and smiled and told them that they seemed friendly. When all the sudden the other two rose their hands holding two little metal rods and pointed them at the rest of the guys in the ship. A red beam shot out of the rods and hit two of the guys, they dropped without a sound the other three immediately opened fire on the two aliens, while the guy holding the aliens hand fought to free his grasp. The alien was too strong and pulled him closer and backhanded him with his spiny arm, he dropped to the ground screaming. The two aliens holding the metal rods turned there aim to the other three. But the three of them were to fast on the trigger and shot each of them. The third alien ran towards them and grabbed two them and with a bone crunching thud slammed the two of them together. It dropped one of them to the floor and started using the other one as a shield. The guy started to back towards the door but the alien was too fast and he was to slow at reloading. It was on him before he had reached his second magazine. He didn't stand a chance the alien dropped his makeshift shield and grabbed the guy with both arms and using his spines ripped him into pieces. The guy on the floor quickly reached for his backup pistol and shot the creature in the back of the head. The creature then turned around and started towards him he emptied the hole clip into it and it just kept coming. He dropped his pistol and lunged towards his rifle a few feet away. The alien was close he whipped the rifle around and emptied it into the alien it took one halting step and fell to the floor. The man quickly checked on the rest of his squad. The two of them that had been hit by the beam didn't have any wounds but they weren't breathing. The other two skulls had been crushed together, not to mention the one of them had about twenty rounds in his chest. The final guy was too badly shredded to have lived. Then he checked himself out his face was badly torn he couldn't feel it though, he was in shock. He exited the ship and ran to the rest of his platoon he immediately reported what happened and walked over to the medic. The rest of his squad and the platoon was ordered to clean up the area and to get the alien bodies into the cargo truck. They did as they were ordered and they radioed in four six Chinook helicopters to fly in and take the ship to Blacksite. It all happened in a matter of a few hours no one else was the wiser. They told the families of the five killed that they died in a routine training exercise that had gone terribly wrong.


The ship and alien bodies arrived at Blacksite just before sunrise. The medical team immediately started in on them. They were some of the most interesting extraterrestrials that they had seen. They had humanoid limbs, there eyes were completely black. According to their teeth like humans they were omnivores but that's were the likeliness ended. They had two different skeletal structures. They had one that was a armor like bone structure underneath their green rubber like skin. The joints of the alien were interesting because the bone structure turned into little bone plates. They took a large sample of the armor after noticing that the had broken three bone saws trying to autopsy the aliens organs. When they finally opened it up the first thing they noticed was the creatures blood. It was a dark blue. It also had little sacs in the circulatory system that seemed to hold extra blood for if was injured. Also the bone structure was thicker near its vital organs. They tested a sheet of the bone structure, it was extremely ballistic proof. No wonder it took a full clip to kill one. Meanwhile the army put out a press release saying it was a top secret weather balloon that had crashed with top secret technology on it. And they told Mac Brazel to keep his mouth shut. After finishing the autopsy they determined that they were a high threat if there were more of them. They then decided to investigate the ship to determine if they could if they could reverse engineer one to be piloted by humans. The first thing they found to be troubling was that it didn't have any controls to steer it. The next puzzle they came to was the engine. The engine was about the size of a compact car. The engine though had no way of powering the ship. So they pulled out every part of the ship that they found interesting, soon the ship was in to many pieces to count each one sent off to a different part of the lab for testing. They then started in on the alien weapons, they found four of the small hand held ones plus two larger rifle sized weapons. They examined them and found a small button on the side of them. They almost immediately started test firing them, and found that they did absolutely no damage to inanimate objects so they started testing them on pigs and found the results most intriguing. They did no exterior damage, but on the inside it completely melted every organ instantly. They then tested them larger rifle and found that it was more powerful, it would cut the test subject in two. Since they had four of the of the smaller beam
Unknown "redneck" Lazy - 16 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
old poems from my myspace

Your Name

I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
and forever it will stay.


Love is the greatest feeling,
Love is like a play,
Love is what I feel for you,
Each and every day,
Love is like a smile,
Love is like a song,
Love is a great emotion,
That keeps us going strong,
I love you with my heart,
My body and my soul,
I love the way I keep loving,
Like a love I can't control,
So remember when your eyes meet mine,
I love you with all my heart,
And I have poured my entire soul into you,
Right from the very start.

I love .....

I love the way you look at me,
Your eyes so bright and blue.
I love the way you kiss me,
Your lips so soft and smooth.

I love the way you make me so happy,
And the ways you show you care.
I love the way you say, "I Love You,"
And the way you're always there.

I love the way you touch me,
Always sending chills down my spine.
I love that you are with me,
And glad that you are mine.
Unknown "redneck" Lazy - 16 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
I Am A Soldier

If I ever go to war Mom, Please don't be afraid.
There are some things I must do, To keep the promise that I made.
I'm sure there will be some heartache, And I know that you'll cry tears,
But your son is a Soldier now, Mom, There is nothing you should fear.

If I ever go to war Dad, I know that you'll be strong.
But you won't have to worry, Cause you taught me right from wrong.
You kept me firmly on the ground, yet still taught me how to fly.
Your boy is a Soldier now Dad, I love you Hooah, Even if I die.

If I ever go to war Bro, There are some things I want to say.
You've always had my back, and I know it's my time to repay.
You'll always be my daybreak, through all of life's dark clouds,
Your brother is a Soldier now, Bro, I promise I'll make you proud.

If I ever go to war Sis, don't you worry bout me,
I always looked out for you, but I can't do that anymore,
Cause I'm a big brother to all in America.
I love you so much and you know that, Your brother's a soldier now Sis,
So wipe your eyes, I'll be fine even if I die.

If I ever go to war my Friends, We'll never be apart,
Though we may not meet again, I'll hold you in my heart.
Remember all the times we had, Don't let your memories cease,
Your friend is a Soldier now, Dear Friend, And I'll die to bring you peace.

And when I go to heaven, And see that pearly gate,
I'll gladly decline entrance, Then stand my post and wait.
I'm sorry Sir I can't come in, I'm sort of in a bind,
You see I'm still a Soldier Sir, So I can't leave my men behind.

Unknown "redneck" Lazy - 16 years, 7 months, 11 days ago

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My pet doesnt want you just me your not her sex thank you bye! ohh yea gave you some thumbs nyways.
Unknown "☆Sweet Erin☆" Bold - 16 years, 5 months, 26 days ago
Cuz I spoil my pets and protect them no matter what!
You have been given I will do anything for you....
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Jackqueline "MY ANGEL {VS}" Hopeless - 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
Im a great owner gd it! hehehe
You have been given Cup of tea.
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Jackqueline "MY ANGEL {VS}" Hopeless - 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
lol I could buy you right now...... So how are you sweetz?
Jackqueline "MY ANGEL {VS}" Hopeless - 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
dont buy me from my owner unless you truly want me
Unknown "redneck" Lazy - 16 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
how am i supposed to thumb you no posts :(
You have been given Thumbed with Love.
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Unknown "lollypop" Seductive - 16 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
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