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Boa Barker | - Free online hangout and friends
Sylance owns this human at 4631 points.

Boa Barker
Boa Barker

Boa Barker, 24/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:18 AM
Join date:17 years, 23 days ago
Location: United States

"We have such sights to show you..."
About me:
"Human dreams...such fertile ground for the seeds of torment. You're so ripe... And it's harvest time. Save your tears. We'll reap your soul slowly. We have centuries to discover the things that make you whimper. You think your nighttime world is closed to me? Your mind is so naked. A book that yearns to be read. A door that begs to be opened."
If you want to know about me, ask.
About you:
I simply adore my owner, Alyssa, so please do not try to steal me from her.
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Boa's Bordello of Bliss
Herds: ECHO'S IN THE DARK, Absinth Carnival, The Liz Vicious Graveyard, C.L.I.T., Cheeky Devil, Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus, The Halcyonic Herd, θεραπεία, Little Grey Fuzzy Yummy, HP's BEST INKED PET
Boa's tales
Boa Barker
Buried Alive ~ Creature Feature

Boa Barker "Lamentation" Seductive - 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
Boa Barker
Nine Inch Nails - The Only Time

Delightful song. You can find the lyrics below :)
Boa Barker "Lamentation" Seductive - 17 years, 21 days ago
Boa Barker
Hello, everyone.
Please stop by my private herd if you get a chance. I'm trying to get some points so I can really get moving on here... I need some pets and some gifts so I can spoil my owner and friends. Any help would really be appreciated!
Boa Barker "Lamentation" Seductive - 17 years, 23 days ago

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Miss Heather
Thank you for voting for me!!!!
♠Unflinching Love&Devotion You have been given ♠Unflinching Love&Devotion.
Crafted by Miss Heather
Miss Heather "♥Ðėąŧħ♥" Injured - 14 years, 9 months ago
Very nice items. I can't remember for the life of me what movie Johnny Depp was in, in your "It's nice to meet you" item. Help me out? xD
PaTiEnCe You have been given PaTiEnCe.
Crafted by WiTcHy WoMaN
Rachel "Poise" Content - 15 years, 8 months, 29 days ago
Mark Monochromatic
don't mind me, just curious...
Just peeking in on you.... You have been given Just peeking in on you.....
Crafted by Mark Monochromatic
Mark Monochromatic "Gypsy" - 15 years, 11 months ago
Mark Monochromatic
I noticed that you came on, earlier.. the guys chanting your name must have woken you. hmmm... I have a magic post in my shop??!? :)
~Sleeping Beauty~ You have been given ~Sleeping Beauty~.
Crafted by Mark Monochromatic
Mark Monochromatic "Gypsy" - 15 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
Mark Monochromatic
Maybe these guys can convince you to come back? ;)
12 Creepy Men Chanting Your Name You have been given 12 Creepy Men Chanting Your Name.
Crafted by Mark Monochromatic
Mark Monochromatic "Gypsy" - 15 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
Mark Monochromatic
You're sort of a ghostly pet, but you have a home as long as you like.... as I said, though, let me know what you prefer... by the way, do you remember meeting me, when I first came onto HP about a year ago? (not this profile, it was when I had my first, which I eventually closed) Just curious...
A Little Magic You have been given A Little Magic.
Crafted by PJ
Mark Monochromatic "Gypsy" - 16 years, 10 days ago
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Boa's shop
Hi! Let's Eat.

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Whatever you wish...
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200 pts
Whatever you wish...
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Succubus: Evil (Liz) Never Rests
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Succubus: Evil (Liz) Never Rests
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I Hate Everything.
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200 pts
I Hate Everything.
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200 pts
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Zombie Cat
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Zombie Cat
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The Night Sky
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The Night Sky
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Need a hand?
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Need a hand?
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I can see what you're doing...
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I can see what you're doing...
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Acid Cat
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Acid Cat
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200 pts
Zombie Kitty is hungry...
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A Bludzsucker
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An eye opening experience...
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An eye opening experience...
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O ai ai jus died n ur armz 2nite
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200 pts
O ai ai jus died n ur armz 2nite
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Yay! I can count to 10!
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Yay! I can count to 10!
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