"SILENCE!....i kill you...((None of My Pets Are 4 Sale.))"
About me:
I'm a pretty laid back guy, I like to be around my friends just chillin, but i like my quiet times to when i can just sit down n do w.e i want ^-^. One of my fav. things to do is to meet new people, so dont be shy send me a msg or comment and ill get back to you when i can :D.
About you:
Pretty much anyone thats not afraid to be themselves when there around guys :p
Ok! So I've decided to put an operation I been putting off for awhile now into action....
It seems to me, that I've been getting lazy as of late and am in need of some working out... Thus the game plan:
From now on (seeing as its a new week I might as well start now) I will be going to the gym for at least 4 hours a week, not sure how im going to split that time up but its going to happen. Now your probably wondering why would you want to do that? Are you not happy with the way you look?
To answer your questions I am absolutely happy with the way I look I'm just not putting my full effort into as I should be. Also the more fit I am the more confidence I have in myself... AND Track and Field is commin up and they don't call me Track Star Trevor for nothin ;)
So with that I shall say Nuff said lets get this show on the road... Eh! :p Trevor CrydermanSleepy
- 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago