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"MGM Mascot"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Unknown's tales
Here we go this is my first tale ever. I am a guy who really wants to be a writer so I am going to put a peace of my work up here. Thumb it if you think it is good. Comment if you think I can improve, and don't just say it sucked give some constructive feedback.

What happens when a man who had nothing is given everything and then has it all taken away again? He looks for a way to get it back. The only problem is that he didn’t lose money, fame, or even power. He lost a person, the only person who was ever kind to him and do you know what happens when you take everything away from a man? He has nothing left to lose…

The sight enraged Kiwigima to no end and being overcome with grief he overcame the pain in his forearms pulled the trigger wire and two revolvers shot out of his sleeves into his hands and he fired both. The two guards fell to the ground with a hole right between their eyes and Toshiro fell back with a hole in the upper part of each of his ears.
“You killed him.” Kiwigima said in an emotionless voice.
If that hadn’t happened Kiwigima would have walked out of the building unscathed in and perfect health. Instead he was found in a pile of trash near the Musashi household by Marusami’s daughter, Catherine Musashi.
She was taking at the trash for her grandfather while also waiting for her father to get home. She had been getting worried, because sometimes he didn’t come home for days and when he did he was injured. It was very fortunate that her grandfather was a retired doctor who knew who to mend most physical injuries.
Catherine had just turned seventeen and was looking for a college to go to. Unlike her father and his father before him she had no interest in joining a Yakuza group of any kind. She wanted to become a lawyer and be able to put the gangs away in a legit way.
“Oh my god. Are you ok? Hey wake up, come on I’ll get you inside.” she said as she grabbed his arm and tried to get him up so she could drag him.
What she lacked in strength she made up for determination and will power. She was able to get him on to her back and slowly walk up to the house as his blood covered body continued to issue the small amount of blood he had.
“Grandpa, I need your help this man is hurt.” She yelled as she finally reached the front door.
“Did your father get into another ba… Put him on the table quick.” The older man said as he came around the corner of the hallway to see the bloody mess of a man being drudgingly carried in by his granddaughter.
He quickly crossed the room and helped his granddaughter carry the man to the table in the kitchen. The old man then pulled out a tackle box that had surgery equipment in it and told Catherine to go get a bucket of warm water and all the gauze that she knew of.
After getting the supplies she knew she would just be an obstacle for her grandfather so she stepped out of the kitchen and went to her room to change out of the bloodstained clothes. Once she had showered and changed she waited outside the door till morning.
When her grandfather came out he looked exhausted and almost immediately sat down and laid his head back.
“Is he ok Grandpa?” She asked not knowing the extent of the man’s injuries.
“Ha. I’d consider it a miracle he is still alive. He had seventeen bullet wounds, nine major artery lacerations, thirteen puncture wounds, a knife still in his gut, all the bullets still in their wounds, two old wounds that had been reopened with a knife, and to top it off he had a needle sticking out of his throat on both sides that pierced his voice box. I’m amazed that the kid is still alive let alone he is already able to move.”
“Do you know who he is?” She asked still oblivious to the fact that the man in there shouldn’t be alive.
“I can’t really make out his face, but from the number of pistols he carries I would guess he’s your father’s bodyguard. From that I can conclude that he probably won’t be coming home tonight.” Her grandfathers voice was slow and remorseful, but still held it’s strength.
The words sunk in deep, but it seemed as if she just couldn’t except the fact that her father would never walk through those doors again. As she sat their almost ripped to shred inside and her emotion’s being confused there was a large bang at the backdoor.
The old man picked up the small wooden club he kept next to his chair and quietly walked over to the kitchen door. He cracked the door and saw two men coming in through the back door. He was actually very glad he had moved the boy to the small hidden room off to the side of the kitchen.
As the men looked around the kitchen he waved to his granddaughter to run out the front as readied himself to attack them when they came through the door. Unbeknownst to the grandfather a man had entered through the front door and cupped his hand over Catherine’s mouth and tied her hands behind her back.
The tall assailant walked up behind the old man and quickly knocked him unconscious. As he drug them both into the kitchen he set them both in chairs and tied their hands behind the backs of the chairs.
“So, what were bosses exact orders again?” One of the burglars asked.
“Get rid of them in any way you feel appropriate.” The large man said in a deep dull voice.
“He he, so any way we feel appropriate huh? I say we have some fun with this one.” The third guy said as he lifted Catherine’s head up with his finger.
As her head was jostled around her eyes flickered open and she shook her head. As she tried to rub the side of her head she realized that she couldn’t move and when she tried to talk their was something gagging her mouth.
“Oh, look the pretty is awake?” The shortest guy said as he sat on her lap facing her.
“What are we gonna do with this one?” The other short guy said as he flicked his head towards the old man.
“Let him watch. Then we’ll burn the house down and go.” The big guy said making it apparent that he was the leader.
As Catherine struggled as hard as she could the man on top of her laughed and pulled out a knife. He began to play with the top button of her shirt when the shots went off. Four quick Glock 9mm rounds that made four perfect little circles in the wall where they were deployed from and they also made four perfect holes around the belly button of the leaders belly button.
“What the …” The tall guy tried to say as he began then fell forward.
The man stood up quickly leaving the girl and drawing the small Uzi he had with him. The two assailants went back to back when a fifth shot was heard and made a perfect little button shaped hole in the would-be-rapists forehead. As he fell the last man turned quickly to see five holes in a wall and through them a heavily bandaged man holding a pistol pointed directly at him.
The man dropped his Uzi and ran for the door and just as opened it a sixth shot grazed his ear forcing him to stop moving. He slowly turned to see the bandaged man stand up and stumble to the kitchen. The red spots on his bandages were getting bigger, meaning in moving around he had reopened the wounds he had.
“Tell your boss to never attack this household or its inhabitants again or else.” Kiwigima said in a raspy, failing, but still serious voice.
“Anything just don’t shoot me. Please.” The man begged
“Leave while I still feel merciful.” He said as his arm turned towards Catherine and the gun went off.
She closed her eyes in anticipation of pain that never came. When she opened them the attacker had left and the man was falling to his knees. It was only now that she realized that the ropes binding her hands weren’t there anymore.
She undid the gag and quickly ran over and caught the man before he fell on his face. She quickly sat him down on his back and ran over to her grandfather. She undid the bindings and gag quickly.
As the ropes came close he wrapped his granddaughter in a hug and talked with her without letting go.
“Are you ok honey?” He said as he squeezed her tightly against him.
“Yes, I’m fine grandpa. That man saved us.” She said as tears started
Unknown "MGM Mascot" Rabid - 16 years, 11 months, 1 day ago

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i am,, ( )

Hello My Good Friend, How are you today? i hope you are fine ,well to me i am Ok ,my name is miss princss i saw your lovely profile today and i really love it that is why i am writing this message to you, please write me directly to my E-mail address above so that i will tell you more about me also send you my pics for you to know who i am,, ( )ffffffffffff
nummsy - 13 years, 8 months, 11 days ago
Thank you i like teddy bears!!
FireLily "Collection" Neglected - 16 years, 6 months, 1 day ago

You were taken on a trip! You have relaxed in Spain.
FireLily "Collection" Neglected - 16 years, 6 months, 11 days ago
hey i live near eldon, missouri or the lake of the ozarks either one and just wanted to say hi
FireLily "Collection" Neglected - 16 years, 7 months, 5 days ago

You were taken on a trip! You have vacationed in Dubai.
Unknown "beautiful" Sad - 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
hihi...thanks for the pet!!! muacks!
Unknown "PrincessES" Confused - 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
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