Why in the world would you want to hurt a wonderful young lady like Jackie,shes a sweetheart and shes beautiful. Dont you have better things to do? You can pick on me if you need to hurt someone to feel better about yourself,call me ugly and call me names instead but just leave her alone okay? We all love her,its too bad you will never have anyone care for you like that. I feel sorry for you.
James Grey
"My mate and love"Tired
- 17 years, 1 day ago
Deal honored....
"'White Witch'"Masterless.....
- 17 years, 1 day ago
I'd better never see you harassing Jack Jacks again or the repeat performance will be worse....I have some VERY entertaining names I can put on you, and I'll give you back to you when you post an apology on her page.
"'White Witch'"Masterless.....
- 17 years, 2 days ago
Someone stole you because you're old ass decided to harass a 16 yr old kid....gee, maybe you deserve it?
"'White Witch'"Masterless.....
- 17 years, 2 days ago