Hi Mal! Join the HP PET CONFESSIONAL herd tonight!! Passports for tonight's party.."A NIGHT AT THE PLAYBOY MANSION " are on sale now at my store! If you are a member you get in free!! If not then post a passport on my page and put in your request to join the herd!
"Precious Cookie"Confused
- 16 years, 10 months, 8 days ago
you are so adorably cute, Mal. lol I'm Michelle, T's pet. It's nice to meet you. I RTF and thumbed your tale and all your spam comments. of course, now that I have done that.... I shouldn't have read what T left you on your page. I'm quite embarrassed over here now!!! She could make a Preist blush!! LOL But really... she is a great gal, and I luv her to pieces!!! Hope you enjoy HP. you'll be addicted soon enough! hehehe again, it was really nice to meet you! stop by any time. =)