The morning starts out ugly. Nothing more to say to that. I walk drowsily towards the door whilst I realize of the time that it was. 8:45. ...8:45? Late, late again. Absentmindedly, I throw on some clothes and reach around for my phone. A neon blue light fills the corner of the room. A message? But who... who would message me? I part my eyes and squint at the bright light, eager to find out of this mysterious identity. Yet again I've let my priorities slip away from my slight grasp on reality. My mindset upon finding that someone... someone, special perhaps.
Yet what can you do at those absolutely horrible times? When every single dream that you had came crashing down in front of you; one by one without a care in the world. So test me, as life has always been a challenge. Burden me and put everything on my shoulders, and I'll show you what I've got. Never will I trade the cards I was dealt nor will I trip or stumble. ~~Then there's those other times that you wish dreams were reality... as in your dreams, whatever you can imagine comes to life. ..if only they weren't gone.
Unknown "Chikum" Hungry
- 17 years, 15 days ago