Roses are red violets are Corny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny, Eat me, Beat me, Bite me, Blow me, Suck me, F*ck me, Very Slowly, if you kiss me, don't be sassy, Use your tongue and make it nasty!!! If you woke up one morning and saw me in your bed what would u do? 1) Go back to sleep 2) Slap me 3) Cuss me out 4) Push me off the bed 5) Just tell me to leave 6) Climb on top of me and cuddle 7) Do me 8) Make me breakfast 9) Ask me my name 10) Call the cops LOL!!! :) so please leave a message and let me know what you would do under those cercumstances
- 16 years, 11 months, 21 days ago