riddle a man is going to market he as bird seed a hen and a fox he comes to a river with a boat he can only take one item across at a time how does he get them all to the other side ? without one eating the other when hes gone if you would like to no the anser mail me ;-) it can be done
Unknown "Cheeky!"
- 16 years, 8 months ago
a man goes into a bar on the side is a huge glass of money and in the middle a very happy horse the man asks at the bar whats going on to witch the man says well its all to do with betting pay £10 in the jar to have a go all you have to do is make the horse laugh ok says the man he pays the money then wispers somthing in the horses ear the horse starts to laugth uncontrolabley and the man collects the winnings next day the man goes in same thing again but now you must make the horse cry so the man pays in takes the horse into the toilets the horse comes out crying buckets the man goes to the bar and the bar man asks how did you do that the man replies well first day a told him my dick was bigger than is second day i showed him lol****************
Unknown "Cheeky!"
- 16 years, 8 months ago
ok god say to adam go into the cave over ther and you will find eve make sweet love to her and a child will be born so off adam goes 5 mins later adam returns wow that didnt take long says god ! excuse me says adam but what is sweet love arrrrrrr says god so he tells adam and sends adam back in to the cave 5 mins later adam returns god say good all done adam says whats a head ache lol**********
Unknown "Cheeky!"
- 16 years, 8 months ago
dont just look at it give it the thumb lol
Unknown "Cheeky!"
- 16 years, 8 months, 9 days ago
never ever marry a woman for money as you will have to earn every penny of it lol
Unknown "Cheeky!"
- 16 years, 8 months, 13 days ago