A long time ago, in a galaxy far away...
There was a girl, innocent, cute, ignorant to what life had to offer. There was a boy, handsome, stunning, dazzling even, who was wise, kind, caring, beautiful. This girl met her best friend and sister and became roommates in College, which soon became the best time of her life. The lovely roommate was friends with Mr. Dazzling and not so slyly introduced him to the young girl as her psychiatrist. The girl was heartbroken at first that she had, yet again, fallen in love with someone who was out of her reach... or so she thought.
A few days later, Lady Lovely roommate was talking with Mr. Dazzling, and he said he wanted to see a picture of the little missy, so Lady Lovely snuck pictures of her until she grudgingly agreed to take one that was not so horrid looking, and it was sent. She frantically tried to convince Mr. Dazzling not to look at it, for she was deathly ashamed, but it was too late. Mr. Dazzling had fallen in love with the little missy unbeknownst to her.
He dropped little hints here and there, but she did not pick up. Eventually, the two were talking into the early morning hours, when he asked her the question she would never thereafter forget: Will you go out with me? Five simple words that, when combined, and said by the wonderful boy, changed the girls life forever for the better. She still, to this day, cherishes him in her heart, as she loves him completely and wholly.
.... Now let me remind you, this is a long time ago, in a galaxy far away...It definitely has nothing to do with this world, this time... or anything like that! *shifty eyes*
Unknown "Lizybelle" Emo
- 17 years, 1 month, 22 days ago