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Lilla Maria Pilluret | - Free online hangout and friends
Robert Provan
Robert Provan owns this human at 638142 points.


Lilla Maria Pilluret
"Swedish Meatball"

Lilla Maria Pilluret, 57/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:12:27 PM
Join date:16 years, 10 months, 23 days ago
Location: Moscow, Moscow City Russian Federation

"Me, Darling...???...Drunk, Darling...!!!"
About me:
I am a Swedish alienate in Moscow...For us Westerners, Moscow isen´t the easiest place to live in...Broadly, Russia is irrational, awkward, self-good, obstinate, warm hearted, generous, sensitive, long-sighted, yet soon to forgive...About me...hmm...I´v studied sociology and criminology at the university, but when I finally chose my profession, I became a dental technician...Yeah, I know, gamour score equal to zero...!!!...The closest you can come to glamour in my line of work is to have the opportunaty to make the ugly full denture to characters as Jack Sparrows...and perhaps a few Orcs or Dracula prostheses (love them role players)...I guess that´s why you never ever find a dental technicians as the first lover in the movies, but we do make so that people dare to laugh again...And that my friend, is one of the things I live for - to make people laugh...!!!...Don´t expect me to send you nice comments, because I probably won´t...That just isen´t me...!!!...You might not understand my humor (pity for you), but don´t forget that English isen´t my first language, so things doesn´t always come out right...I can always claim that out loud it is not how it sounded in my head...Always remember that my greatest weaknesses is that I often rushes into situations without thinking about the consequences before, so don´t you judge me too hard...!!!
About you:
Just be yourself, that is; funny, kind, drunken, inspiring, mulished, imaginative...!!!...I could go on forever, but if you want to be a friend or mine, you must have alot of self-criticism...But most importantly of all, I want you to be generous, so thumb the line of my friends on page 1...!!!...Don´t get too angry at me or be too long-sighted...We are all a bit mad mad in here, and that´s a part of the fun...!!!
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Forrest Gump
Herds: Kitty Kats, Kitty Kats 2, Lourika's 20/5 herd, Sweet Thumbs 4 Andrea, R.S.P.C.A., Kitty Kats 3, *THUMBSWARM* ™©, MAXXIMUM THUMBS, ♥ Rainbow Swarm ♥, Wolfy's sanctuary, RTF's 4 1's who don't stalk!, Tiger crowd 15/10, *Vince's Garden of Happiness*, OWENS RTF'S, ♪♫AiMéE's BoOm BoOm RoOm♪♫, Train Kept A-Rollin', Stan's kinky castle
Just Vince
Just Vince
703553 pts
Robert Provan
Robert Provan
"My precious"
6383 pts
Troy Rahme
Troy Rahme
50 pts
Lilla's tales
Lilla Maria Pilluret
I´m going to Brazil on Thursday and is out for about 10 days ... I will sure miss you all and especially your sweet insults...;)...I really will...!!!... and when I slide around on the playa, then I will think of you...but sliding,...???...hmm ... the truth is that there are too many people on the beaches for gliding and I ´m not even going to the sea ... You know what, when I splash around in the pool, then I ´ll think of you my nutty, but ohh so lovely friends...!!!....See you soon and take care...Love // Maria

This is a Brazilian beach...Kind of crowded, huh...!!!
Lilla Maria Pilluret Lilla Maria Pilluret
Lilla Maria Pilluret "Swedish Meatball" Crazy - 16 years, 9 days ago
Lilla Maria Pilluret
Merry Christmas everyone! We are of to Cairo and Luxor in Egypt to celabrate Christmas this year. Joining up is my brothers Jacob and Jarl and my sister Ia and their familys, my mother Anna and my stepfather Leif, who will be our guide in the wally of the dead...ohh...sorry...kings! ;). The only ones missing will be my father Åke and his ex-girlfriend Ingrid. They are going to Florida instead!? And my stepsister and stepbrother´s mother Monica and her husband Robert and their daughter Maja. Normally it is all of us spending christmas together. Even my stepfathers ex-mother-in-law and Roberts (the new husband of my stepfathers ex-wife) Mother used to come, when they were alive. What can I say! I am a product of a strange, but funny childhood. My big, fat Swedish family!

And who would be Santa? We drew a stick! Shortes one would have to be Santa. It was between my father Åke, my brother Jacob or I. The others just refused to dress up in our Einstein mask...hohoho... And as santa, you had to drink Calvados. I hate Calva! But it was forbidden to ask for a normal Gin and Tonic! And then we used to have a hole bunch of other drunk santas coming and going. Normaly people from where I used to work. Sometimes we hadn´t a clue who it was, but it was fun =)

Somehow, this year will be different. I hope it still will be a rather odd Christmas. A lot of cheers to absent family members and friends. We are not going to Etiophia, but they won´t have snow in Egypt either, so I think some Band Aid will be apropriate ;)

Have a Great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Lilla Maria Pilluret Lilla Maria Pilluret Lilla Maria Pilluret
Lilla Maria Pilluret "Swedish Meatball" Crazy - 16 years, 3 months, 14 days ago
Lilla Maria Pilluret
I´m back in Moscow, and I just realized that the summer is finaly over. Almost a year to next one, and I´m missing a lot of people both in Sweden and in Brazil. I got the floor heating on since President Medvedev hasen´t put the central heating on...brr...And then I remembered Eskobars song, well...I just got better!

Lilla Maria Pilluret "Swedish Meatball" Crazy - 16 years, 6 months, 11 days ago
Lilla Maria Pilluret
I will go to home to Sweden for the summer and I won´t be back in Moscow until the middle of August. I guess I will not be able to be on-line much, but when I get my hands on a computer, you are damn sure I´ll check-in here to se what is going on lol lol ;)

Have a great summer and hope to see you more in August :)

Love // Maria
Lilla Maria Pilluret
Lilla Maria Pilluret "Swedish Meatball" Crazy - 16 years, 8 months, 25 days ago
Lilla Maria Pilluret
The summer of 1994 was a really hot and dry summer in Sweden. And it was a summer to remeber. That was the summer when all of sweden berserk:)

We are a small nation that haven´t been invated for over 300 years so we don´t have any real independence day to celebrate. Sweden isn´t a big nation in footboll and yet this was the summer when Sweden took the bronze medal in UEFA Word Championship:) I still remeber it as one of the best summers ever, apart from the summers I, as a little girl, spent with my cousin "Breathtaker" Charlotte;)

Yet today I get goose pimples when I hear this footboll song, that was play again and again, but it never got worn out.

To the Sweds and Sweden, a great little nation whom I´m very proud of being a part of, and to all the rest of you 99,5% of HP that doesen´t understand swedish this is " when we dig for gold in USA" (or at least we tried":)

Lilla Maria Pilluret "Swedish Meatball" Crazy - 16 years, 9 months, 9 days ago

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Johnny Angel
another year, my friend... another birthday.
Happy Birthday!! You have been given Happy Birthday!!.
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Johnny Angel "~rest in peace~" Love being Yours - 3 years, 26 days ago
Johnny Angel

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Johnny Angel "~rest in peace~" Love being Yours - 3 years, 26 days ago
Johnny Angel
it must be a surprise... you arent here to see it. lol
Surprise birthday cake You have been given Surprise birthday cake.
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Johnny Angel "~rest in peace~" Love being Yours - 3 years, 26 days ago
Johnny Angel

Happy Birthday You have been given Happy Birthday.
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Johnny Angel "~rest in peace~" Love being Yours - 3 years, 26 days ago
Johnny Angel

Happy Birthday to You You have been given Happy Birthday to You.
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Johnny Angel "~rest in peace~" Love being Yours - 3 years, 26 days ago

Sooo..Maybe I'll See Ya Later?? You have been given Sooo..Maybe I'll See Ya Later??.
Crafted by LadY HeatheN
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" The All Hated Eye - 4 years, 21 days ago
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Absolutely Fabulous

Where all the stars hang out...!!!

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