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Name: |
Unknown, 41/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 1:23 AM |
Join date: | 17 years, 24 days ago |
Location: | Philippines
About me:
About you:
..}}}}. if u see a happy LouiSe, there is alsO a sensitive side Of me that can be easily crashed !. with pressure i explOde sO kindly dOnt push my buttOns.. Im hOnest, straight, frank and adOred sOmeOne whO laughs and cries with me.Im very emOtiOnal but it's mOstly me being affectiOnate. Im a girl whOm yOu will never met again in yOur life.you're lucky if yOu gOt me, 'cOz u'll neVer LOse me. i sWear . {{{{.. please.. ilove my pets and i owned them. if u wish to have them plzzzzz by respect ask me.. i value them above damn near anything. ..
Looking for: | Friendship |
Orientation: | Straight
"Louii's pet"
170 pts
"Louii's pet"
160 pts
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Unknown's tales
..}}}} i believe that everything happens for a reason.People change so that you can learn to let go.things go wrong so that u can appreciate them when they're right.you believe less so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. {{{{
Unknown Loyal
- 16 years, 9 months, 25 days ago
Life is tOo shOrt tO live for.. So im happy to have gOOd friends here and everywhere..Im happy with my wOrk,with my family, with my health.. and im proud being a Nurse as my prOfessiOn. If im not lucky in LOve i knOw its nOt a lOss for me cOz in the Other way i have a jOyful life always with all the peOple whO loves me and caRes for Loui...... Enjoy Life !!!
Unknown Loyal
- 16 years, 9 months, 25 days ago
Asian Women ==== wise and loveful,sweet and paradise, exotic and erotic. She is a cocktail of wisdom,mysteriousness both absolutely novel erotism and sexuality. Asian beauty is natural,spiritual,sensual and not counterfeit. Every man initially feels increased interest to women of other nationality. Men are always attracted with exotic. she respect her man. she is natural in her behaviour,she is happy without display of any vulgarity, she is honest, modest ,attractive and sociable. Unusual appearance,tiny forms, flexibility of a bodyand black expressive eyes. moreover, the AW has been created for home life, and her true nature completely consists in it. Wedding,motherhood both daily family and house duties dont burden her.easy steps,hardly inaudible gestures and good mood, love and family are integral components of her. she cares for the husband and children and gives them a lot of attention. The spirit of freedom lives in her gentle heart, and ,she devotes herself completely and cares of one whom she really love. **** link:::: www.bestasianwoman.com
Unknown Loyal
- 16 years, 10 months, 3 days ago
im so sick of horror movies, trying new recipes in cooking every now and then.. meat with pineapples? or rice with pepper and salt? i will never forget these stuff. that i had a lovely cook with someone who really mean to me.he is the BEST CHEF. hahaha..He is one of the best happening in my life. i will never learn to leave behind what we had shared.. our talks..our laughters, our shared ideas.. his medicines.. i'll be lonely thinking that soon he'll gonna leave riyadh.. :( .. ..
Unknown Loyal
- 16 years, 10 months, 3 days ago
Louis a certified registered Nurse. knows how to appreciate small and simple things rather than big and expensive one. Im so frank that i have to tell how people mean to me and worth keeping for.when i love,i dont expect in return but only honesty. as Love does not envy or self-seeking.. Life so precious that we have to avoid bullshits, take chances, and never have regrets becoz at one point evrything we did were really what we wanted..
Unknown Loyal
- 16 years, 10 months, 3 days ago
Welcome to my SHOP .. c"') Louii
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