“I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me, I'd like to be the help that you've been always glad to be; I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day, as you have meant old friend of mine, to me along the way.” Unknown"Copper Cutie"Sexy
- 16 years, 11 months, 11 days ago
Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself-and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to-letting a person be what he really is. Jim Morrison Unknown"Copper Cutie"Sexy
- 16 years, 11 months, 11 days ago
Look around and choose your own ground. For long you live and high you fly And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry And all you touch and all you see Is all your life will ever be.
Unknown"Copper Cutie"Sexy
- 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago