YES! I have a good variety of TV SERIES (pirated) DVD collection, but nothing beats the FREE STUFF ^_^
Get all the TV series you can watch from:
(i tried this link and so far, no malicious software/ adware/spyware)
From the website, i've watched
HEROES ( Seasons 2)
HOUSE, MD (Season 4)
PRISON BREAK (Seasons 3)
DEXTER – Season 1 & 2. It's about a serial killer who works for the Miami PD crime lab as a blood spatter analyst. Outside he seems like the perfect and sweet guy, but inside he is a sociopath who is out to kill people who “deserve it.” This is not so good for kids ‘cuz they’ll like idolize a murder as a hero. I found the plot very interesting at first though, but couldn’t follow the story to season 2.
CALIFORNICATION – Season 1. This is controversial to the conservative audience since the first scene begins with a nun giving a BJ to a writer in church. Obscenely sacrilegious! It was just in a dream of the writer/protagonist character in the story. Ha! It’s about a writer with a super perfect wifey and queer, but psychologically stable child. I just watched a few, but I can’t continue watching the womanizing writer/protagonist.
AVATAR the last airbender - a friend recommended this series for me to watch. it's an award-winning anime series of a boy's (oriental setting) quest to save the world. He is with friends to fight the Fire Nation. It's sort of like Lord-of -the-Rings type of journey. I liked the kid adventure / humor. I did not regret watching it to the end! I’m still looking for more. ^_^
DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES – I remember I watched the first part when I was in Hanoi, Vietnam (they have a lot of pirated DVDs there, too) Then, I had to find and watch season 2 and 3! Only Season 4 is available on the website.
Unknown "Radiant Beauty" Curious
- 16 years, 9 months, 20 days ago