Lee…about your tale...true, guys have bigger brains. Too bad you’re still not smarter. Bigger brains, yet it’s soo easy for girls to fuck with a guys head…And men always "cum" as you say...but...it’s us ladies who have the "power" when it comes to sex. Hands down .If we don't "give it up" you would 4ever be jerking off, or gay. You may be stronger, have bigger brains, not get PMS, ect. Yet still, it's so hard 4 most men to make a girl "cum". How sad is that!!! You said it, men always cum; really what you are saying is girls do it better! You guys are sad in bed & are turning most hot girls lesbo~do it right! Make us cum, and stop losing all the sexy girls to butch chicks that can make a girl cum. Soon, most guys will be gay anyway, or since most hot ladies will be lesbians, will be reduced to fucking only fat and ugly girls. So, keep on drinking!! You will need to be hammered so the fat & ugly girls seem prettier! Oh-btw-giving birth sucks ass! Fuck that “it’s a precious gift” shit! But, we ladies have to do it cuz God knew men wouldn't be able to handle it! Luv ya Lee!! Big hugs! ;-)
Unknown "wily" Loving
- 16 years, 11 months, 11 days ago