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Unknown's tales
113 Citherea! thou blisful lady swete, 114 That with thy fyr-brand dauntest whom thee lest, 115 And madest me this sweven for to mete, 116 Be thou my help in this, for thou mayst best; 117 As wisly as I saw thee north-north-west, 118 When I began my sweven for to wryte, 119 So yif me might to ryme and endyte!
Unknown "Purrfection" Purring
- 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
106 Can I nat seyn if that the cause were 107 For I had red of African beforn, 108 That made me to mete that he stood there; 109 But thus seyde he, `thou hast thee so wel born 110 In loking of myn olde book to-torn, 111 Of which Macrobie roghte nat a lyte, 112 That somdel of thy labour wolde I quyte!' --
Unknown "Purrfection" Purring
- 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
99 The wery hunter, slepinge in his bed, 100 To wode ayein his minde goth anoon; 101 The Iuge dremeth how his plees ben sped; 102 The carter dremeth how his cartes goon; 103 The riche, of gold; the knight fight with his foon; 104 The seke met he drinketh of the tonne; 105 The lover met he hath his lady wonne.
Unknown "Purrfection" Purring
- 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
92 But fynally my spirit, at the laste, 93 For-wery of my labour al the day, 94 Took rest, that made me to slepe faste, 95 And in my slepe I mette, as I lay, 96 How African, right in the selfe aray 97 That Scipioun him saw before that tyde, 98 Was comen and stood right at my bedes syde.
Unknown "Purrfection" Purring
- 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
85 The day gan failen, and the derke night, 86 That reveth bestes from her besinesse, 87 Berafte me my book for lakke of light, 88 And to my bedde I gan me for to dresse, 89 Fulfild of thought and besy hevinesse; 90 For bothe I hadde thing which that I nolde, 91 And eek I ne hadde that thing that I wolde.
Unknown "Purrfection" Purring
- 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
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