And so it would seem..
-That I've come to a conclusion
The words are much to harsh- but in their own much to light to convey to you.
Let me say how oh isn't it like a heartbreak in a form.
They'll find us at our best, but its not good enough to get us anywhere
We're still a shot shy of something that counts.
I said to be careful
I said look for the horizon
I said look for the shift
But the Storm took us both by surprise
It just looks like you were the one who got the life raft..
So sound the alarms and hold on tight
Theres a Change ahead.
So sound the sirens and dont let go.
There's a shift in the air and its coming down.
Just remember and I'll be on my way
Tears arn't enough to right a wrong.
And words won't get you there or anywhere else either.
But it's a matter a fact that you'll get there soon
Because you're headed straight for a breakdown...
And maybe then the world will see
How a seemingly strong bond breaks
How the grace of a kiss fades
How a hug is a hollow touch
And how a heart can fail to beat
Forget me as your more-
But how dare you forget me as your less as well
The apologies were screaming couldn't be more silent
Unknown "Vampiress" Adored
- 17 years, 27 days ago