Pleasure In Pain
Beautiful day of masochistic ways
You look to play as you present your blade
Pleasure in Pain, the blade against the skin
Having your way as you drink me within
Your supple lips, nails of your fingertips
Let the skin rip, savor and not let drip
Never forget to bite while you suck
Rubbing your clit, senses wishing to fuck
Bodies painted red for much I have bled
Unholy bread, this journey I have led
Cradle your head wishing to share a kiss
Nothing is said, this is sinfully bliss
No pleasure is better than my sadistic endeavors
Love letters I send her, for my malicious offender
Damien Darkchild "MY BLOOD HARVEST" FloAtINg In dEAtH's EcsTaSY
- 17 years, 10 days ago