I love me, I'm great!
If I saw me in a club, I wouldn't leave without me.
If I come and visit your page, I will surely thumb your friends also, so if you do happen by here, would you mind doing the same...then I know you are nice enough to be my friend.
Big Love!!!
Oh and by the way, unless you are a girl (yes I am shallow), don't bother petting me unless you have thumbed my whole page - top to bottom (friends posts aswell) - I am not a whore, but consider petting without reward rude.
About you:
A mirror image of me.
Piano and cello together always moves me - gives me butterflies.
Schubert in a Kubrick movie...ahhh Kubrick and his scenes of love.
From my Nemesis...she will be the one who ends me...Big Love x
I know how Einar feels...except it was a Jack Russell that kept stealing my salad sandwich! Can't wait for his new Antedote release. Icelandic music rocks my world...especially when there is cello and the Eharp in it.
The Great OC"Okelani"Hopeless
- 16 years, 6 days ago
Here's a challenge for you, can anyone find an original Bagpuss clip with the mice singing 'We will fix it, we will mend it, we will stick it with glue glue glue'?
The Great OC"Okelani"Hopeless
- 16 years, 26 days ago
I stand infront of the mirror, naked, quite often. I may be attractive and slim, but I consider that I am fat, wrinkled and generally unpleasing to the eye. Don't tell me any different, as the reflection cannot lie. Not sure why the ribs show through. And whilst I am on the subject of looks, why is it that when I put a profile pic of me on my page all of a sudden an extraordinary number of boys start groping/petting - how rude! It's like a cattle market.
One tip if you want to get to know me - be one of the elite, you'll know you are one of the 5%. Arrogant I may be, and oh very yes a positutely shallow, but you really don't want me to waste my headache tablets because you got on my goat for not reading this!
Otherwise I am a very approachable person. WOOF The Great OC"Okelani"Hopeless
- 16 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
Well wouldn't you know, I have found my Auntie Maya and Uncle Malana on HP. Now all I am looking for are my brothers, sisters and cousins. If you think you are brave enough to be my Mother, please come forward? There is an obvious mental flaw that can be easily detected, so imposters will be anihilated!!!
The Great OC"Okelani"Hopeless
- 16 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
Santa freaks me out with his facial hair. I wish he would stop visiting me in the night, I don't believe him when he says it's Christmas everyday.
And as for my auntie, her moustachio twitches when I've been bad. How can it twitch without her top lip moving. In fact when she goes off on one, her face turns bright blue like a baboons arse, not red, well that's how I imagine her. It wasn't me, it was my friend. But how does a penguin pick up crayons to draw such lovely pictures on the wall?
I was lucky yesterday, a panel split in the door under the stair, which gave me a bit of light. I like a bit of light when it is dark. Light is happy.
Maybe some poetry on the morrow, when I know how to put the words in an order that sounds good. Maybe, perhaps...
Pook bloody Pook. Shhh, I is tryin to get some kip. The Great OC"Okelani"Hopeless
- 16 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
New shop assistant required as last one wanted a day off, bloody cheek. Must be able to bend down and pick things up if I drop them...short skirt required.