hey. long time not writeing anything ok well i am going to try and write something
yesterday there were a drunk driver that drove through our complex gat. and hen he revers into the garden behind him and then again into the complex and drove right into a other bakkie. and when we got home all the acction where finish but this morning me and my vriend went and jumped on the gate so whe playd see sow until it bent back to iets almost right vorm but the guy was very drunk. lol.but yea he was also stupid to try and drive to the parking place after he just run over the front gate Unknown"spice girl"
- 16 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
school started !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok wel all my friends talked my ears of my head and some of them moaned that school was boring and this one guy sad that he hated school because then he had to be sober. lol. and we started white work ON THIS FIRST FREAKEN DAY!!!!! and we wrote a english test. this poeple are crazy
i went to my dad's work today to help him white files he had to mad but my sus was to slow and kept mounting in my ears so i left her to do it alone and cleand the shop and it needed te cleaning but at the end i putted holes in the files and my left arm are sowr and yea i have to go back and clean the lights in the roof and iets that big ones and there is about 10 to 15. ai what i have to do for money.
slipery slop the end Unknown"spice girl"
- 16 years, 11 months, 1 day ago
soory about me not putting up any more stuff but you can think that my mum sthinks 30min a day is to much on facebook and it is hard to find super funny pics and cute pics to put on facebook with all the homework and projects i have to do. and now the internet at home is down. dont ask me why it is this stupid telkom but yea tati ppl. lol
"spice girl"
- 16 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
i am glad you enjoy it. i was not so shur if ppl would.
"spice girl"
- 16 years, 10 months, 26 days ago
Thanx for you shop... enjoy =)
- 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago