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"ღ priceless"
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| Herds (lead): | Hunters!, Natassja Fans, TH3 S3XY P3OPL3, Michael's Thumbing Spot | Herds: | Sex Kittens, VIP - Very Important Pets, Nerds are Sexy, MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, ~♥♥THUMBS R FREE♥♥~, Hunters of all kind, hunters herd, Puppy Love - Wolves and Dogs, Thumb Dat Ass!! =P, Tina's Thumbs (125 pgs), Girls and Boys Club, You're Hot! Pet Mansion, Gerry Butler fans herd, Richard Armitage fans herd, ۼ Angel's Playground ۼ, Kate's Spam Herd, Talia's thumb buds, Thumb Donation Herd., Realm of Kyrios, natassja's thumbs, Lets Talk Dirty, i love debs, help me rescue her, Thumb Me :), toyboys ;), Bonjour | |
Unknown's tales
Once upon a time a boy called Michael...a rather sexy boy did i forget to mention ? well you see he needed a poo so he toddled off into the bathroom still being on the phone to his beautiful girlfriend Natassja so yes enough about her more about michael hes the important one so yes he needed a poo turned around went to sit his lovely ghetto booty on the shit hole and see's a rather large flying cockroach thing that had been turned over onto its back :O... michael was not happy he was scared he pulled up his trousers and jumped into the bath looking over at the mr flying cockroach he was very very scared he didnt know what 2 do cause he didnt want 2 go 2 close nd it was right by the door... mr flying cockroach had michael trapped, kidnapped, hostage who knows what he was going to do to poor old michael, natassja was no help she just laughed at michael...michael no like natassja no more so he mutes the bitch and calls 4 help...no1 heard his cry for help nd was trapped standing in the bath with shower curtain wrapped around him for protection finally someone heard him and he was rescues by his friends nan who kindly picked up nd chucked it out the window! but michael wanted mr flying cockroach dead for what he done 2 poor michael!!! michael says "i will never be the same again it was a horrid traumatic experience" thats all from me tonight this was reginold rasberry reporting you on all the latest news! goodnight!!!
Unknown "ღ priceless" Bored
- 16 years, 10 months, 22 days ago
Thumbs in desperate need
Unknown "ღ priceless" Bored
- 16 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
Thumbs in desperate need
Unknown "ღ priceless" Bored
- 16 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
Thumbs in desperate need
Unknown "ღ priceless" Bored
- 16 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
Thumbs in desperate need
Unknown "ღ priceless" Bored
- 16 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
Michael The Merchant!
Ahh sorry im new at this :) lol
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