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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
Unknown owns this human at 247932 points.


"not yours"

Unknown , 45/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:36 AM
Join date:17 years, 22 days ago
Location: New York, New York United States

About me:
Im 28, single and I do not deal with drama or bullshit......anything else you want to know ask me DO NOT BUY MY PETS UNLESS I SAY SO PLEASE MY PETS ARE IMPORTANT TO ME ! IF ANY OF MY PETS WOULD LIKE TO BE OWNED BY ANYONE ELSE THEY KNOW THEY ARE FREE TO GO

About you:
I would like to meet people that love music take care of themselves and care about the world we live in.
If you litter and don't recycle I dont really want to be friends with you. I believe everyone should make an effort to contribute to this world we all have to share. I do not like people with negative attitudes, or people that put others down to make themselves look better.
People that arent afraid to live their lives. People that are true to their word........
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Its A Small World After All
Herds: Jessica Rabbit, thumbdunk
"MOMMY 1st"
243102 pts
Unknown's tales
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ph and Anna i love you too and miss you my Georgian Peach xoxoxo
Unknown "not yours" Frisky - 16 years, 3 months, 8 days ago
Hello everyone, sorry for the long time being away, it's way easier for me to address everyone here than comp is running slow as usual......

I think everyone will be happy to know that I am moving right along, busy, busy, busy trying to save the world, my self, and figure out how to live with the fact that when you do good or live unselfishly, those are the ones that tend to deal with more obstacles, or harder trials in life.

I see what has been happening to everyone in my country and I am happy, not for people to be suffering, or in any agony, but the fact is this should hopefully teach everyone an important lesson.

That's all I will say about that. Normally I do one good deed a day. Does not matter how big or small it is nor do I ever tell anyone about it. The other day I was walking out of the pizza place after placing my order and was heading back to my office to do something else than just sit. As I wasleaving there was a homeless man outside the place. He was asking for change. I clearly had none after just paying for my lunch. I apologized and moved along.
My grandmother always bought homeless people food as I was growing up she explained that some and but not all of homeless people used the money for drugs and or alcohol and really needed the food more. So I got back to my office and explained to some co-workers that I had felt bad and I was going to give him some of the snack I pack for work, (organic strawberry granola bars) and then another person contributed his fair trade organic nut and fruit bar. When I went back to the pizza place to get my lunch I hoped he would be there and he was. So I gave him the bars and told him that they are both very healthy and good for you and told him to have a nice day. As I came out of the store I saw him eating the strawberry bar and the pink wrapper against his dark clothes and the dreariness of the day made it seem to brighten up. He smiled at me as he was chewing and waved and said it was good, it made me feel great for some reason. It was a nice moment for me. Since people at work knew about the whole thing this did not in fact count as my good deed for the day so I did have to go find one more thing to contribute for the day but that's a secret.

So I wonder how everyone is???? My beautiful owner???? xoxoxooxo Molly...
Opal how is your knee? Michelle I love you and you will always be my crazy bitch!!!!!!!!! My pets are still so awesome and I know I have not been the best owner b/c I have been busy busy busy. Which makes me feel bad b/c in reality with my Tala (my dog) she and I hardly have any time together b/c I am always working now. (sad face)

Anyway I have been having a great time, although still in pain but I did in fact find a great person to help fix me....doing a whole bunch of alternative modalities without drugs or shots. It seems to be working I think I guess I have the good days with my body and thebad days, I have yet to have a great one where there was no complaint in the physical at all.

But I must get to bed it is almost ten and I have sleep to make up tonight from losing over the weekend......Lots of snow here by me about 5 inches on the ground so far......anyone else have snow?
Unknown "not yours" Frisky - 16 years, 3 months, 8 days ago
So I have not been on here in forever so people that are wondering what I have been up to...........First I got a job and not just any job. After being told I should find a new career after my accident.....I had to find something that fit the criteria in my head....A job to me has to be challenging, rewarding, fulfilling, and changing all the time (for me anyway) soooooo I got a job with an Environmental Organization....go figure lol Soooooooo I get to go out everyday to make a difference, talking to new people and having a great time.......
I miss being on here the chats I would have with people, but I am so relieved to be living my life again.

I finally feel normal again. Although I am in so much pain still, I wonder if I will always feel like this. My insurance company sent their dr to see me and after seeing three of my own dr's that all said I needed an MRI, Their dr said I did not. So of course my insurance is not paying for any treatment. SO I guess this is how it is but i feel really confident they are messing with the wrong person. I don't believe that anyone would want car insurance with this company. Especially knowing that a person that was a victim of a drunk driving accident did not receive proper treatment........very interesting I would want to read about that in the paper.....I am also assuming that with our economy the way it is most companies can't afford to lose customers.....just a guess.

Regardless I am pushing through the pain and dealing with it. It sucks and I try to not complain at all, only because it makes it worse...........I am loving my job and hahhaa still single which is not so bad.

So I am exhausted must sleep I will try to catch up with everyone soon all my love xoxoxooxoxoxox LIZ PS I LOVE YOU MY PETS AND MY OWNER
Unknown "not yours" Frisky - 16 years, 4 months, 17 days ago
Unknown "not yours" Frisky - 16 years, 6 months, 9 days ago
ohhhhh and I miss you today
Unknown "not yours" Frisky - 16 years, 6 months, 11 days ago
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david bowie

You were taken on a trip! You have been wondered about in Wonderland.
david bowie "$ rockstar $" Seductive - 15 years, 5 months, 26 days ago

Mommy To Be You have been given Mommy To Be.
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And "ו..." Sleepy - 15 years, 5 months, 29 days ago
beer goggles

*waiting for you* You have been given *waiting for you*.
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david bowie

{{{HUG}}} You have been given {{{HUG}}}.
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And "ו..." Sleepy - 15 years, 6 months ago

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Unknown "MOMMY 1st" Inspired - 15 years, 6 months ago
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Unknown's shop
Have It Your Way

I have changed this shop to this b/c I have gotten a lovely idea form another pet........Anything in this shop can be customized to say whatever you want it to say just let me know and I will change it for is true that sometimes you want to buy something but you dont like what it says or wish it said something different......So please let me know and it would be my pleasure!!!!! Happy shopping and come again soon.......Thank you for coming here to my shop!!!!

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