I can't sleep at night ,I catch a cold and fever to 38℃ ~~~*.* mmm ,but I watch a good film.
《High and slow》,妻夫木聰 plays one he must kidnap the shoes company important person權藤's son to him to extort 3 hundred million Japanese Yen, actually tied up the son who the 權藤's driver's age reached agreement.
The police will lock the suspicion goal diligently and succeed the arrest.
Speaking of the 權藤, “the hell” definitely makes the painful on that need the choice, that “heaven” in where? Is their mansion? Is the power cane in company's aloof status? Saw the權藤finally opened a small shoe store with the wife, on the face has hung is smiling, understood so-called “the heaven”, actually continuously in side.
《天國與地獄》黑澤明的經典作品,由妻夫木聰、 浩市、阿部寬主演。妻夫木聰飾演一名自小貧窮的見習醫生 他原要綁架鞋公司要員權藤(佐藤浩市飾)的兒子向他勒索3億 日元,卻陰差陽錯地綁去了權藤的司機的年紀相約的兒子。警方 努力以交收贖金及司機兒子的回憶等微小線索去追尋,終鎖定嫌 疑目標並成功將之拘捕。權藤失去工作上的地位,卻因 仁義贏得社會上的讚許。
對權藤而言,「地獄」肯定就 那需要作出痛苦的抉擇的時候,那麼「天國」又在何處呢?是他 們豪宅?是權藤在公司的超然地位 ?看到權藤最後與妻子開了一間小鞋店,臉上掛著微笑地縫著 ,就明白所謂的「天國」,其實一直在身邊。
一向形象健 的妻夫木聰,突破偶像框框,演繹一個冷靜、陰沉、受過高等教 育的病態罪犯。
Unknown "♥Aeris♥" Unwell
- 16 years, 11 months, 22 days ago