The economy-political situation seemed despairing: suckyhogs protested East-Papaya's gross national products' antiexistence with shotguns whilst coiling. As regards, the Protestant faction furthering police's gay erotics attacked jumpy-syphilis spreading criminals' cars detaching their sparking plugs. Echo animals experienced extinction in consequence of missing sound waves caused by criminals' car accelerations. The acoustic of mathematical lectures vanished and the abuse of large halls became common. Frustrated creme tarts destroyed confectionaries and burned the hall abusers. Army became chargeable due to the fact that, after destroying the pastry shops, charges increased by ^10*23 and the moderators of law and justice didn't have enough money for their concentrated donut dose. Exponential salary increase. Exponential inflation. Iran attacked Sweden and Israel stayed home. USA bombed Japan believing that the japanese were iranians who had conquered Sweden. Israel still stayed home. New neo-anti-faction rose its head, antagonizing everything but nothing. Atronomers saw stars. Some publicity character found a god-being. Professors argued themselves into engineering students. Congratulations.
Unknown "Grr" Calm
- 17 years, 23 days ago