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"German Guns"
81034 pts
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Unknown's tales
If you are in a particularly philanthropic mood please go 2 this link.... http://forums.dota-allstars.com/index.php?showtopic=216225 or sign in at dota all stars and vote for the hero called Freya Rawland, she is designed by Lorekeeper and named kinda after me and Roland so if u do vote I will end up immortalized in the awesome game that is dota. Come on...be a sport....feed my vanity^_^
Unknown "T3ssay" Seductive
- 16 years, 10 months, 12 days ago
I love playing dota, If you are ever on battle-net look out for T3ssay :)
Unknown "T3ssay" Seductive
- 16 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
Some anime I have watched (probably missed some and still watching others but oh well). Bleach, Dragonball, Fate/Stay night, Ghost in the shell, Naruto, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Pokemon, Ah! my goddess, Appleseed, Goldenboy, He's my master, Black Lagoon, chobits, Ergo Proxy, Full metal panic, Furi Kuri, Full metal alchemist, Gantz, Great teacher Onizuka, Katekyo hitman reborn, mushi shi, memories, mind game, love Hina, one piece, Onegai twins, Ouran high school host club, Paprika, Read or die, Ruroni Kenshin, Samurai Champloo, School rumble, Tenjo Tenge, The melancholy of Haruhi suzumiya, Princess Tutu, Trigun, Elfen Lied, Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, Death note, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Lucky StarGenshiken, DNA, Vampire Hunter D, Ranma ½, Heroic Age, Princess Mononoke, Spirited away, Scryed, Goshuushou-sama Nimoniya-kun, xxxholic, air gear.
Unknown "T3ssay" Seductive
- 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
Good times store
For all the random stuffs u will ever need.
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