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Unknown's tales
" Ashley get down here! " I heard my mom shout from downstairs I sighed. I picked up my pillow and put it over my head trying to block out any other things she had to say to me. I had just come back from work and i was so tierd now she wanted me to go down stairs so she could have another go at me. Just then i heard someone knocking on my door. I turned my head around and watched as my bedroom door was opened. In the doorway was my 8 year old little sister Izzy. She had long blonde curly hair and big bright blue eyes. She was skinny and very pale so was I, she was wearing a pink frilly dress which was miles too short for her. My dad died two years ago in a car accident. He was the one who brought in all the money while my mom was a full time mom. Since he died it was me who had to bring in the money, i only worked in a restaurant as a waitress. I mean what job could i get? i'm 16, i have no GCSE's because i had to drop out of school to look after Izzy. My mom turned to the drink thinking it would solve everything now she's just a lazy ass alcoholic, that sits on the sofa all day and drinks till the cows come home.
Unknown "Kiymetlimiss" Loving
- 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
My life was so scewed up at the moment. I had to do everything around the house cook, clean everything . I just had enough and now my mom wants meto go downstair and listen to her saying aload of crap about me. She drives me nuts. I took the pillow from over my head and put it back under my head. Izzy then came into my room and jumped on my bed. Which resulted jumping on me, it didn't hurt anyway, shes too light. I turned my head and looked at my bedside table with a clock on it. " Hey, it's 10:42pm. shouldn't you be sleeping? " I asked her as she played with my long brown hair. I looked up to her and she nodded. " It's just that, i heard mommy shouting for you " She spoke in a quiet voice. She then jumped off my bed and i sat up and crossed my legs. " I know, i was just about to go downstairs. " You gave her a warm smile which she returned. I then climbed off my bed and stood up. " C'mon beddy time for you " She nodded, i told hold of her hand and went back into her room. " You get changed and get to bed, okay? " She nodded, i smiled and shut the door. " ASHLEY! " Your mom screamed at the top of her lungs. I sighed and walked down the long corridor, at the end were wooden stairs. I started walking down stairs, my hand rested against the railing and a creeking noise happened everytime i stepped on one of the stairs. Finaly i came to the bottom of the stairs and walked upto the livingroom door. I grasped the handle in my hand and slowly turned it and pushed it open.
Unknown "Kiymetlimiss" Loving
- 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
I walked into the room to see my middle aged mother sat on the sofa watching t.v with a bottle of whisky in her hands. She looked up and patted the seat next to her, i sat down . She then turned her attention away fron the television and focused it on me. " Where were you today? " She asked in an angry tone. " I was working " I answerd back. She would always forget things. Once she even forgot my name, what kind of a mother is she?. She doesn't feed us, doesn't cloth us. I have to do it all. She shook her head and took another mouth full of whisky. " You dont have a job, you just go out everyday with your mates. You forget about me, i waited here all day for you to come home. What about your sister, you didn't pick her up from school today. You let her walk home all alone. Anything could have happend to her! " She hissed at me. " Dont blame everything on me. And i do have a job, unless you forgot about it. Your suppose to be the one picking her home from school not me!. I do everything around the house and what do you do?!. Nothing you just sit there drinking till you pass o- " " Dont you dare speak to me like that!. i'm your mother you should do everything i say and dont answer back or you will regret it " She warned me, i frowned " Go on, leave me. Go out and have a party with your 'mates' " She told me and then turned her attention back to the television. I stood up and pointed at her.
Unknown "Kiymetlimiss" Loving
- 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
" I dont have to listen to you anymore, i'm leaving and i'm taking Izzy with me!. Lets see how long you last without me " I turned around in a huff and ran back up the stairs, into my room and slammed the door shut. Thats it i cant this anymore i have to leave this place. I grabbed my suitcase from underneath my bed and started throwing all my clothes into it. After i was done i zipped it up, put it on the floor and pulled the handle thingy out. I then pulled it out of my bedroom and knocked on Izzy's door. I opened the door and switched on the light. She sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes. " Whats going on Ash? " She asked me in a sleepy tone. I quickly got her suitcase out and started filling it with all her clothes. " Get dressed, we're leaving " She climbed out of bed and started getting dressed. After i packed all her stuff and she got dressed i went back into my room. I went to my bedside table and opened the draw, in the draw was a big package full of money. I had been saving some of my money each week knowing that this day would happen sooner or later. I grabbed it and stuffed it inside my bag, Izzy stood in the doorway with her case. We both took them downstairs and put our coats and shoes on.Just then the livingroom door opened and my mom stood in the doorway. It's too late now i've made up my mind she cant stop me from leaving. " Ashley, dont you dare leave this house! " She told me, i turned around to Izzy " Just go outside, i'll be two minutes. And if anyone tries to talk to you call me, Okay? " she nodded and took her suitcase outside. I turned back around to face my mom, she looked as angry as ever. She gave me the biggest glare EVER!, it was getting abit scary really. She came upto me and slapped me hard across the face. I turned back around and i could feel a cold substance sliding down my lip. I brought my hand up to it and wiped it, i then looked at it to see it was blood. That bitch made me bleed. I swang for her and got her right in the choppers, she fell down on the floor.
Unknown "Kiymetlimiss" Loving
- 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
" I've been waiting to do that for years, goodbye mother " I spoke my last words to her. I then turned my back on her and walked out of the door, I were about to close the door when something got caught in it. I looked up. " Ashley be careful, dont go near any woods at night. Okay? " She asked me in a concered voice. I nodded and then she let me shut the door. Huh?, dont go near any woods at night?. I wonder why... . I then got hold of my case handle and Izzy's hand, I then walked out of the garden and stated looking for a cab.( You lived near the main road ) I saw one coming and I flagged it down with my hands. The cab stopped and I opened the back door, Izzy jumped in and I put your cases in the car. I then finaly got in and shut th door. " Where to? " The driver asked as he turned his head slightly to me. " 34 Netherthorpe Way please " I told him and he nodded. I grabbed Izzy's seatbelt and put it round her and it clicked in place and I did the same to myself. " Ash, where are we going? " my little sister asked I, I turned to her and smiled. " To a friends " " What happened to your lip, Ash?. Did mommy do it to you? "
Unknown "Kiymetlimiss" Loving
- 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
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