Love me...or Hate me...1 thing is For CERTAIN...YOU will NEVER forget ME...:)
- 16 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
when you find yourself in a my opinion, it's better to take a step back and relax then go for a one-on-one session to agree to disagree...than to publicly duke it out in front of the masses...that is unless...of're an exhibitionist...
- 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
Speaking of...I loved watching gummi bears...mind you i think i was in highschool when this came out but the opening credits song is sooooo catchy...singing*Gummi bears bouncing here and there and everywhere!
omg...tell me you know what an Ewok is?...if not...I shall school you on the inhabitants of Endor...They played a part in The Rebellion...hmmmm....that and they're sooooper cute!